
Closed syllable

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152 resultater for 'closed syllable'

 Open syllable / Closed syllable Sort
Open syllable / Closed syllable Sort Gruppesortering
Плахотник 5, lessons 1-4
Плахотник 5, lessons 1-4 Tilfældigt hjul
Reading cards: a - closed syllable
Reading cards: a - closed syllable Tilfældige kort
Closed syllable
Closed syllable Tilfældige kort
Closed syllable "A"
Closed syllable "A" Whack-a-mole
Closed syllable: Aa /eɪ/
Closed syllable: Aa /eɪ/ Tilfældige kort
Open syllable / Closed syllable_Group sort
Open syllable / Closed syllable_Group sort Gruppesortering
Open  and closed syllable
Open and closed syllable Gruppesortering
Closed syllable "i"
Closed syllable "i" Whack-a-mole
Open syllable / Closed syllable_Group sort
Open syllable / Closed syllable_Group sort Gruppesortering
Phonics e (closed syllable)
Phonics e (closed syllable) Flash-kort
Reading. Closed syllable: Aa /eɪ/
Reading. Closed syllable: Aa /eɪ/ Tilfældige kort
Reading "u" in closed syllable
Reading "u" in closed syllable Tilfældige kort
Open or Closed syllable "e"
Open or Closed syllable "e" Gruppesortering
Aa in a closed syllable.
Aa in a closed syllable. Tilfældige kort
Open or Closed syllable "O"
Open or Closed syllable "O" Gruppesortering
Open or Closed syllable "u"
Open or Closed syllable "u" Gruppesortering
Open or Closed syllable "y"
Open or Closed syllable "y" Gruppesortering
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable.
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable. Tilfældige kort
Reading: Uu /ʌ/ in a closed syllable
Reading: Uu /ʌ/ in a closed syllable Tilfældige kort
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable.
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable. Tilfældige kort
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable.
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable. Tilfældige kort
Reading: Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable
Reading: Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable Tilfældige kort
Reading: Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable
Reading: Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable Tilfældige kort
Reading: Uu /ʌ/ in a closed syllable
Reading: Uu /ʌ/ in a closed syllable Tilfældige kort
A, I, E, O, U open/closed syllable
A, I, E, O, U open/closed syllable Gruppesortering
The letter Ee /e/ in a closed syllable.
The letter Ee /e/ in a closed syllable. Åbn boksen
The letter Aa /æ/ in a closed syllable.
The letter Aa /æ/ in a closed syllable. Tilfældige kort
Rules for reading vowels in a closed syllable
Rules for reading vowels in a closed syllable Vend felter
The letter Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable.
The letter Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable. Åbn boksen
The letter Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable.
The letter Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable. Tilfældige kort
Syllable Anagram
closed/open Gruppesortering
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