
Technologies and inventions

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10.000+ resultater for 'technologies and inventions'

Gadgets Match op
Inventions Tilfældigt hjul
Technologies Etiket-diagram
inventions Tilfældige kort
Gadgets and Technologies Vocabulary
Gadgets and Technologies Vocabulary Match op
Technologies Udfyld sætningen
Technologies Gruppesortering
Inventions Tilfældige kort
Inventions Udfyld sætningen
inventions Ordsøgning
Inventions Match op
Inventions Åbn boksen
Phrasal verbs. Communication Technologies
Phrasal verbs. Communication Technologies Match op
Family and Friends Revision
Family and Friends Revision Gruppesortering
Zero and First Conditional
Zero and First Conditional Tilfældige kort
F&F3 Unit 12 and/or/but
F&F3 Unit 12 and/or/but Quiz
FF4 Unit 4 (Possessive pronouns and adjectives)
FF4 Unit 4 (Possessive pronouns and adjectives) Quiz
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple: have and be)
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple: have and be) Sand eller falsk
ABCD (Family and Friends)
ABCD (Family and Friends) Match op
Look at the photos! (Family and friends, 2)
Look at the photos! (Family and friends, 2) Quiz
6a Technologies
6a Technologies Tilfældige kort
Communication Technologies.
Communication Technologies. Match op
Lesson One (Family and Friends)
Lesson One (Family and Friends) Ordsøgning
Technologies (IELTS speaking)
Technologies (IELTS speaking) Tilfældigt hjul
Lesson Three (Family and Friends)
Lesson Three (Family and Friends) Ordsøgning
Lesson Four (Family and Friends)
Lesson Four (Family and Friends) Ordsøgning
F&F3 UNIT 9 QUIZ comparative and superlative
F&F3 UNIT 9 QUIZ comparative and superlative Quiz
Discovery and inventions
Discovery and inventions Gameshow quiz
FF4 Unit 2 (words: conveyor belt)
FF4 Unit 2 (words: conveyor belt) Se og lær udenad
FF4 Unit 1 (words: conveyor belt)
FF4 Unit 1 (words: conveyor belt) Se og lær udenad
FF4 Unit 4 (words: conveyor belt)
FF4 Unit 4 (words: conveyor belt) Se og lær udenad
Comparative and superlative
Comparative and superlative Anagram
Technologies Tilfældige kort
Technologies Tilfældige kort
Posessives Quiz
Past Simple (+/-)
Past Simple (+/-) Quiz
F&F 2 Unit 2 Feelings open the box
F&F 2 Unit 2 Feelings open the box Åbn boksen
FF4 Unit 1 (What do you like for breakfast?: Words)
FF4 Unit 1 (What do you like for breakfast?: Words) Find matchet
In the Park
In the Park Huskespil
True or false? Comparative adjectives.
True or false? Comparative adjectives. Sand eller falsk
my/your Quiz
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