
German Beginners language

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10.000+ resultater for 'german beginners language'

Tagesablauf Anagram med ord
Times of day / time
Times of day / time Gruppesortering
Farben Find matchet
MK DSD - Freies Sprechen
MK DSD - Freies Sprechen Tilfældigt hjul
Zahlen von 0 bis 100
Zahlen von 0 bis 100 Gameshow quiz
Die Zimmer im Haus
Die Zimmer im Haus Etiket-diagram
Fragewörter Find matchet
Wortschatz - Die Uhrzeit (informal)
Wortschatz - Die Uhrzeit (informal) Etiket-diagram
Das Verb "sein"
Das Verb "sein" Ballon pop
Problem Solving Scenerios
Problem Solving Scenerios Åbn boksen
Categories Tilfældigt hjul
Pronouns - he, she, they #2
Pronouns - he, she, they #2 Quiz
4 Step Directions
4 Step Directions Tilfældige kort
Compare & Contrast Set 1
Compare & Contrast Set 1 Tilfældige kort
BCSS number concepts
BCSS number concepts Quiz
Compare and Contrast #3
Compare and Contrast #3 Tilfældige kort
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs Udfyld sætningen
Pronouns and possessive adjectives
Pronouns and possessive adjectives Gruppesortering
Time Ballon pop
Bedroom Etiket-diagram
Wh questions - Simple present
Wh questions - Simple present Anagram med ord
Living Room
Living Room Etiket-diagram
kitchen Etiket-diagram
Wh - questions
Wh - questions Find matchet
Past simple x Present Perfect
Past simple x Present Perfect Quiz
Speech & Language: Describing common events
Speech & Language: Describing common events Tilfældige kort
Speech & Language: Describing common events
Speech & Language: Describing common events Tilfældige kort
Jokes: What's so funny?
Jokes: What's so funny? Quiz
WH Question Answers
WH Question Answers Gruppesortering
Fill in  Has/Have
Fill in Has/Have Quiz
Mixed up Sentences with Pronoun Targets
Mixed up Sentences with Pronoun Targets Anagram med ord
Past-Tense Regular and Irregular
Past-Tense Regular and Irregular Gameshow quiz
Classroom language
Classroom language Vend felter
das Haus
das Haus Etiket-diagram
Plauderstunde:  Reisen
Plauderstunde: Reisen Tilfældigt hjul
Wetter Match op
Verben konjugieren
Verben konjugieren Tilfældigt hjul
Mein Haus - Quiz
Mein Haus - Quiz Quiz
Possessivpronomen Huskespil
K4A Verb conjugation practice
K4A Verb conjugation practice Tilfældigt hjul
Personalpronomen - Objekte
Personalpronomen - Objekte Quiz
Wie siehst du aus?
Wie siehst du aus? Match op
Lebst du gesund?
Lebst du gesund? Tilfældigt hjul
Expressive/Comparing Semantically Related Words/Speech & Language
Expressive/Comparing Semantically Related Words/Speech & Language Tilfældige kort
Who questions/ community helpers /Speech & Language
Who questions/ community helpers /Speech & Language Match op
Feelings Inference Coyle
Feelings Inference Coyle Gruppesortering
Figurative Language
Figurative Language Find matchet
Conditional Directions Set 1
Conditional Directions Set 1 Tilfældige kort
Compare and Contrast Set 4
Compare and Contrast Set 4 Tilfældigt hjul
Taboo game (Id by description)
Taboo game (Id by description) Tilfældige kort
BCSS Position Concepts
BCSS Position Concepts Quiz
Conditional Directions Set 2
Conditional Directions Set 2 Tilfældige kort
Inference scenerios-No pictures
Inference scenerios-No pictures Tilfældigt hjul
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