
Hebrew Prayer

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6.164 resultater for 'hebrew prayer'

Nism B'chol Yom-English/Hebrew word Match
Nism B'chol Yom-English/Hebrew word Match Match op
Ashrei Anagram med ord
Ashrei Match op
Sh'ma & V'Ahavta fill in the blanks
Sh'ma & V'Ahavta fill in the blanks Quiz
Mi Chamocha Prayer Jumble
Mi Chamocha Prayer Jumble Anagram med ord
Hatikvah Order
Hatikvah Order Rangorden
V'Ahavta missing words
V'Ahavta missing words Udfyld sætningen
Hatikvah Word Match Up
Hatikvah Word Match Up Match op
Barchu Meanings
Barchu Meanings Etiket-diagram
Torah Service Shema
Torah Service Shema Find matchet
Kedusha Rangorden
Nisim B’chol Yom
Nisim B’chol Yom Find matchet
kedusha Ballon pop
Shema Words
Shema Words Tilfældigt hjul
Hatikvah match the word meaning
Hatikvah match the word meaning Find matchet
Barchu Vs. Baruch
Barchu Vs. Baruch Whack-a-mole
Yotzer Or Meanings
Yotzer Or Meanings Ballon pop
Barchu Word Review
Barchu Word Review Åbn boksen
Barchu Anagram med ord
 Hebrew פירות
Hebrew פירות Match op
Barchu Shema Bingo
Barchu Shema Bingo Tilfældigt hjul
L'dor Vador Word Practice
L'dor Vador Word Practice Åbn boksen
Blessing Before the Haftarah
Blessing Before the Haftarah Match op
Kedusha Match op
Hebrew vocab
Hebrew vocab Match op
G'vurot: Words and prayer
G'vurot: Words and prayer Quiz
שיום איברי גוף
שיום איברי גוף Etiket-diagram
Matching image to phrase
Matching image to phrase Find matchet
Letter+vowel Tilfældige kort
Colors match
Colors match Find matchet
Block-Script Wordwall
Block-Script Wordwall Ballon pop
Letters! Match op
חיריק חולם
חיריק חולם Tilfældige kort
Final Letters Sort
Final Letters Sort Gruppesortering
פעלים 1
פעלים 1 Find matchet
שם פועל
שם פועל Find matchet
צבעים Sand eller falsk
משחק צבעים
משחק צבעים Match op
verbs in the class
verbs in the class Match op
Hebrew vowel  Match
Hebrew vowel Match Find matchet
בגדים Match op
Shema & V'Ahavta Jumble
Shema & V'Ahavta Jumble Anagram med ord
Question Words
Question Words Match op
הווה משחק
הווה משחק Labyrint jagt
Aleph Bet Chart
Aleph Bet Chart Match op
צבעים Find matchet
בגדי חורף
בגדי חורף Huskespil
 חלקי גוף
חלקי גוף Tilfældigt hjul
Rashi Script Words
Rashi Script Words Quiz
Vowel cards drill
Vowel cards drill Tilfældige kort
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