
Reading Simplified

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10.000+ resultater for 'reading simplified'

 Silent E Sentences
Silent E Sentences Tilfældigt hjul
2 sounds of OW sentences
2 sounds of OW sentences Tilfældige kort
Long e Spellings MS
Long e Spellings MS Gruppesortering
Short Vowels CVC
Short Vowels CVC Tilfældigt hjul
Long O Sort It
Long O Sort It Gruppesortering
 oi and oy picture sort
oi and oy picture sort Gruppesortering
 Syllable Blending
Syllable Blending Vend felter
Long A
Long A Whack-a-mole
long a sort it
long a sort it Gruppesortering
Long u spelling (oo, u, ue, u_e, ew)
Long u spelling (oo, u, ue, u_e, ew) Hangman
syllable breakdown
syllable breakdown Anagram med ord
 (u, ue, u_e, ew) with clues
(u, ue, u_e, ew) with clues Hangman
Bossy R Read & Sort
Bossy R Read & Sort Gruppesortering
MS Practice
MS Practice Åbn boksen
Long O multi syllable
Long O multi syllable Tilfældigt hjul
Long Vowel Hangman
Long Vowel Hangman Hangman
 oi/oy flip tiles
oi/oy flip tiles Vend felter
Long E/O Minute Drill
Long E/O Minute Drill Tilfældige kort
silent E sort
silent E sort Gruppesortering
AU AW/OW OU Multi syllable
AU AW/OW OU Multi syllable Åbn boksen
Long I MS
Long I MS Tilfældige kort
Become Automatic with Long O and Long E Words!
Become Automatic with Long O and Long E Words! Tilfældige kort
Multisyllable words
Multisyllable words Tilfældige kort
Long Vowel Team Practice
Long Vowel Team Practice Tilfældige kort
Silent E Uh Oh Game
Silent E Uh Oh Game Tilfældige kort
Long o sentences
Long o sentences Åbn boksen
L-Ending Words
L-Ending Words Tilfældige kort
 ow- flex it
ow- flex it Flyvemaskine
 Long U Sort It
Long U Sort It Gruppesortering
tion/sion/tial Tilfældigt hjul
oi oy aw au MS
oi oy aw au MS Tilfældigt hjul
multisyllable practice
multisyllable practice Hangman
How many sounds? #2
How many sounds? #2 Gameshow quiz
Level 5 - Lesson 4 - Space Invaders - /t/, /d/, or /ed/
Level 5 - Lesson 4 - Space Invaders - /t/, /d/, or /ed/ Quiz
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels Gameshow quiz
FIS lesson   /k/  & /g/
FIS lesson /k/ & /g/ Whack-a-mole
Long O/E/A Wheel
Long O/E/A Wheel Tilfældigt hjul
/oo/ sound sort it
/oo/ sound sort it Gameshow quiz
ow- flex it
ow- flex it Gameshow quiz
5.8 prefixes non-, dis-, un-, in-
5.8 prefixes non-, dis-, un-, in- Quiz
RSA Nonsense Word Fluency (Basic and Advanced Code)
RSA Nonsense Word Fluency (Basic and Advanced Code) Tilfældige kort
Long U MS
Long U MS Tilfældige kort
RSA Nonsense Word Fluency (Basic and Advanced Code)
RSA Nonsense Word Fluency (Basic and Advanced Code) Tilfældige kort
long u flip tiles
long u flip tiles Vend felter
 Long /e/ MS
Long /e/ MS Tilfældige kort
Long O MS Sentences
Long O MS Sentences Åbn boksen
Long O MS
Long O MS Tilfældige kort
Long E sentences
Long E sentences Åbn boksen
 long /i/
long /i/ Vend felter
Long A Multisyllable
Long A Multisyllable Vend felter
Floss Rule
Floss Rule Whack-a-mole
silent e
silent e Vend felter
Short a Reading Practice
Short a Reading Practice Åbn boksen
1.3 FUN Sentence Reading
1.3 FUN Sentence Reading Udfyld sætningen
Guided Reading Questions Interactive Wheel
Guided Reading Questions Interactive Wheel Tilfældigt hjul
Key words for phrases
Key words for phrases Gruppesortering
Bossy R cloze passage (Horse)
Bossy R cloze passage (Horse) Udfyld sætningen
R and W Words
R and W Words Gruppesortering
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