Vitamins - Tasteless, organic compounds that are required by the body, Water-soluble vitamins - Vitamins that can’t be stored in the body., Fat-soluble vitamins - The inactive form of a vitamin., Provitamin - In the vascular & lymphatic system, Preformed vitamin - The vitamin found in food in its active form., Hypervitaminosis - Vitamin toxicity/excess., Fortified food - Intentional addition of nutrients to a food by its manufacturers., Enriched food - Adding back nutrients that were lost during processing/refining., Antioxidants - Molecules with a surplus of electrons to stabilize free radicals., Free radicals - Unstable, damaging molecules with an unpaired electron., Carotenoids - Provitamin A compounds in vegetables that give them their orange color., Vitamin A - The “vision” vitamin, Vitamin D - The “sunshine” vitamin, Vitamin E - The “blood thinning” vitamin,



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