Theory - a well supported testable explanation, Fossil - remains of ancient organisms, Evolution - process of change over time, Occurs to populations NOT INDIVIDUALS, Charles Darwin - one of the first scientists to publish his ideas about evolution in a book, “The Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection”., Natural Selection - An organism's traits/ adaptations making it better suited to survive, reproduce, and pass on those traits., Survival of the fittest - A quick and easy way of explaining natural selection, Fitness - Organism’s reproductive success, Homologous Structure - Same structure different function, Analogous Structure - Different structure, same function. EX: Bird wing and butterfly wing, Vestigial Structure - Structures that no longer serve a purpose EX: Whale hips, Artificial Selection - Selection by humans for breeding of traits, Recombination - Process of crossing over to create more genetic variation, Common ancestry - the idea that all organisms now alive on Earth and all present day fossils trace back to one or a few “original species.”, Adaptations - inherited characteristic which increases chances of survival, Population - all the organisms of the same species living within a particular area, Gene Frequency - how often a gene occurs within a population., Lamarck - Scientist whose hypothesis was rejected; he believed characteristics acquired by a living organism would be passed on to their offspring,



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