command - a specific action for the computer to perform, sequence - the order in which commands are given, bug - an error in your code, function - a collection of commands grouped together and given a name, for loop - runs a block of code over and over a set number of times, condition - something you test that results in a true or false, conditional code - a block of code that will only run if something is true, while loop - a loop that runs a block of code as long as it is true, boolean - a value that can only be true or false, logical operator - a symbol or words like "and", "or", and "not", algorithm - step by step set of instructions, pseudocode - an informal description of code intended for human reading, variable - a value that changes depending on the information the program receives, coding - process of creating, designing, and building a computer program, a cool app, an amazing game, or a useful software to achieve a specific result, programming language - language spoken to communicate with computers,

Coding Vocabulary


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