Ho Chi Minh  - Name of North Vietnam's communist leader., Ngo Dinh Diem - Name of South Vietnam's assassinated leader, Vietcong - Name given to Vietnamese who supported communism, Lyndon B. Johnson - 1st President of the United States to order troops to Vietnam, Tet - Holiday when North Vietnam launched a major offensive, Richard M. Nixon - President of the United States during the end of the war, Hanoi - Capital city of North Vietnam, Siagon - Capital city of South Vietnam, Domino Theory - Theory where if one nation would fall to communism, others would follow, Agent Orange - Name of jungle defoliant used in Vietnam, France - Which country colonized Vietnam in the 1800's?, 17th Parralel - According to the Geneva Accord Vietnam would be divided at ____ ____________, guerilla - The Vietcong used ___________ type warfare against U.S. forces, billion - By 1967 the U.S. was spending one __________ dollars a day in Vietnam., Kent State Massacre - In May 1970 4 students were killed in what became known as the ________ _______ __________, 1973 - According to the Paris Peace Accords the U.S. officially withdrew from Vietnam in March of ________,

Vietnam War Balloon Pop


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