The boy was unpopular because he was ____ friendly ____ polite to his classmates. You can ____ have ice cream ____ a cookie, but you can't have both! ____ my brother ____ my sister has a cat. They prefer dogs. I'm free all day tomorrow. We can meet ____in the morning ____ the afternoon. Due to the traffic jam, ____ Mrs. Williams ____ Mrs. Mader made it to the game. ____ Italy ____ France is in Asia. We are happy to bring ____ an appetizer ____ a dessert to your party. You can reach me easily by ____ text ____ email. The artsy girl dreamed of becoming ____ a singer ____ an actress. I eat ____ fish ____ peanuts because of my allergies. Because she was under age 18, she could ____ vote ____ buy cigarettes. Because of the winter storm, ____ the students ____ the teacher arrived for class. Stephen has exciting plans for his future. He will ____ travel the world ____ build his dream house. It was a dry and humid day with ____ rain ____ snow in the forecast. Because of the terrible storm, we had ____ water ____ power at our house.

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