Corporation - A legal entity that is owned by someone or a group of people, that is operated for a goal such as but not limited to, profit, charity, and fraternal organization., Excise Tax - A tax on a specific good or service, in the case of corporate tax it is a tax on the corporation’s privilege to do business legally, and act as a corporation recognized by the government under excerpts from the Corporate Income Tax Act of 1909., Unemployment Rate - The amount of people unemployed divided by the amount of people able to work. Higher rates can show if there is a lack of jobs or if there is a separation of correlation in the relation between the skills of individuals, and jobs available where they live., Recession - The decline in economic performance for several months, this can be indicated by inflation, and slow GDP growth, GDP - : It stands for gross domestic product. It represents the amount of goods or services a country, or state has made in a year.,

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