complication - a problem or situation that makes something more difficult to understand or deal with, issue - a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people, matter - a subject or situation that you have to think about or deal with, setback - a problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they were (more informal than complication), drawback - a disadvantage of a situation, plan, product etc, mishap - a small accident or mistake that does not have very serious results or there's a serious problem and you want it sound a bit softer , difficulty - a problem or something that causes trouble; ... in doing smth, pressure - (causing change) events or conditions that cause changes and affect the way a situation develops, especially in economics or politics, snag - a problem or disadvantage, especially one that is not very serious, which you had not expected (is slightly informal. In written English, people usually prefer to use problem or disadvantage instead), uphill struggle - something that is very difficult to do and needs a lot of effort and determination, tight spot - a difficult situation (informal), predicament, catch 22, to be in a corner, obstacle - something that makes it difficult to achieve something, trouble - (semi-formal) problems or difficulties, problems in your life which you are worried about, dispute - a serious argument or disagreement, glitch - a small fault in a machine or piece of equipment, that stops it working,
CAE Use of English (problem syn)
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