matter - Anything that takes up space and has mass., physical property - A property that can be observed or measured without changing what matter is made of., mass - The amount of matter in an object., weight - How strongly gravity pulls on an object, volume - The amount of space an object takes up., density - A measure of how closely packed an object's particles are., buoyancy - An object’s resistance to sinking. The upward force exerted on objects submerged in fluids is called the Buoyant Force., solubility - The ability of matter to dissolve in a liquid., conductor - A material that transfers heat or electricity easily., insulator - A material that stops or slows the flow of energy, such as electricity or heat., magnetism - The ability of an object or material to be pushed or pulled by a magnet., reflectivity - The way a light bounces off an object., atom - The smallest unit of an element that has the same properties of that element., molecule - Particles with more than one atom joined together., Physical Change - A change to something that does not change the molecular structure., Relative Density - Objects with Relative Density greater than 1 will resist surface tension and sink--Objects with Relative Density less than 1 will float, Electric Conductivity - Ex. Power cord, light bulb, water, Thermal Conductivity - Ex. Iron Skillet handle getting hot, Hardness - The ability of a material to resist deformation by indentation., Powder - dry, bulk solid composed of many very fine particles that may flow freely when shaken or tilted., Physical Property Example - Color, texture, size, etc..., Physical Change Example - Cutting a Tree, Folding Paper, Cutting hair, Ironing clothes, Sink - Objects with Relative Density greater than 1 will, Conductor Example - Metal, Insulator Example - Plastic, Cloth, Wood, Rubber, Glass, Powder Example - Powder Sugar/Baby Powder (Talc), Float - Objects with Relative Density less than 1 will,
Physical Properties of Matter Vocabulary
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