What does addiction mean to you?, What is a risk to your recovery, today?, What are some behaviors that might lead you to a reoccurrence?, How do you maintain your recovery?, Do you believe that addiction is a choice?, Is Drug Court an opportunity or an obligation?, What/Who is your greatest influence?, What is the difference between support and enabling?, What is something that is against the morals that you went against in active addiction?, Have you heard of "taking your own inventory"?, What is something you do not miss about active addiction?, At what point did you realize you had a "problem", "One Day at a Time" & "Just for Today" - Means what to you?, Can you relate to “Fall seven times, stand up eight.”?, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein, “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”, Thoughts on, "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”– C.S. Lewis , "Don't let the past steal your present." - Do you tend to stay stuck in the past?, Is this true? - “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford, Can you stay clean and sober off of yesterday's recovery?, What are 2 things you can control in your life?, “A lot of people think that addiction is a choice. A lot of people think it’s a matter of will. That has not been my experience. I don’t find it to have anything to do with strength.” –Matthew Perry, Talk about it - “Not feeling is no replacement for reality. Your problems today are still your problems tomorrow.”, Talk about how you feel today. What things are going well or bad in your life?.
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