attractive (adj) He is very attractive. - good-looking, flexible (adj) For street-dancing you have to be very flexible. - who can bend and move easily., skilful (adj) a very skilful tennis player - good at doing sth, spicy (adj) spicy sauce - having a strong, pleasant taste, spin (n)  - the movement of sth turning around very quickly , keep fit (v) - to be strong and in good physical health, uplifting (adj) Dancing is uplifting. - making you feel happier, creative (adj) She's very creative - she writes poetry and paints. - with a lot of new ideas, passionate (adj) a passionate interest in sth - having or showing very strong feelings, hypnotic (adj) hypnotic songs - holding the attention , thrilling (adj) a thrilling adventure - very exciting, liberating (adj) - making you feel free,

Wider World 2, Unit 1, Culture Vocab


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