1) Which statement about Rome's climate is FALSE? a) Rome had 7 villages settled in the valley b) Latin c) The Aeneid d) Omen 2) Which river was Rome settled on? a) Plebeians  b) The Tiber c) For life d) Counsels 3) The people of Latium spoke a language known as a) Omen b) Straw c) Latin d) Plebeians  4) What mountain range separates Italy from the rest of Europe? a) Alps b) 12 Tables c) The Aeneid d) Sicily 5) Italy is shaped like a boot, with the tip of the boot pointing toward what island? a) Patricians b) The Twelve Tables c) Dictator d) Sicily 6) What epic by Virgil tells the story of how a Trojan hero named Aeneas settled Rome? a) republic b) The Aeneid c) Plebeians  d) Patricians 7) According to another legend, Remus and Romulus were two brothers raised by a) Etruscans b) True c) Wolves d) Senate 8) Who did the Romans get their alphabet from? a) The Greeks b) Latin c) Dictator d) True 9) A short robe that Roman men wore is called a a) A toga b) True c) Omen d) Straw 10) A ____________ is a form of government where people elect their leaders a) Plebeians  b) republic c) The Aeneid d) To reject it 11) True or False? A group of about six thousand Roman soldiers was called a legion. a) senators b) Tribunes c) True d) Patricians 12) Which one is NOT a plebeian?  a) senators b) Wolves c) Alps d) The Tiber 13) To veto something means a) Alps b) To reject it c) Tribunes d) The Twelve Tables 14) Which word describes people that came from the oldest and most important families. a) Patricians b) Sicily c) The Greeks d) Etruscans 15) How long did Senators hold their offices? a) For life b) Omen c) Patricians d) republic 16) What was the written display of laws in the center of Rome called? a) Etruscans b) Tribunes c) The Twelve Tables d) Wolves 17) A synonym for sign or prediction a) To reject it b) Omen c) Rome had 7 villages settled in the valley d) True 18) Settlers in Rome built their first homes from this a) Straw b) senators c) Plebeians  d) Dictator 19) This group modeled (showed) Rome how to build an army a) Tribunes b) Plebeians  c) Counsels d) Etruscans 20) The two chief officials chosen by the Roman Assembly every year a) Counsels b) Wolves c) Latin d) Sicily 21) This group chose the consuls a) Plebeians  b) Tribunes c) Senate d) Dictator 22) A leader with absolute power a) Omen b) Patricians c) Dictator d) Senate 23) Wealthy, important land owners a) Latin b) The Tiber c) A toga d) Patricians 24) Farmers, soldiers, craftsmen, and merchants were in this class a) Plebeians  b) Patricians c) Tribunes d) Alps 25) Rulers chosen by the plebeians to serve common people a) A toga b) The Aeneid c) Tribunes d) Latin 26) A list of written Roman laws a) Alps b) 12 Tables c) Straw d) The Greeks

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