Under Washington, many political acts or decisions were begun that set an example for others, known as ____ Washington called on his ____ to advise him and direct their departments. ____ served as Secretary of the Treasury under Washington Thomas Jefferson was in charge of handling U.S. foreign policy for President Washington as ____ Alexander Hamilton's insisted that all the nation's debts must be paid in full ____ Hamilton convinced Madison and others to back his economic plan by ____ ____ was led by a group of backcountry farmers against a tax approved by Congress and requiring Washington to use U.S. troops to stop them Washington's viewpoint on American foreign policy was ____ ____ were considered political rivals in Washington's Cabinet. Jefferson's views differed from Hamilton's as Jefferson ____ and opposed the Bank of the United States. The election of 1796 increased political tensions as President John Adams and Vice President Thomas Jefferson ____. The XYZ Affair had ____ President Adams avoided declaring war on France because he ____ Jefferson opposed the Sedition Act because he ____ Kentucky and Virginia Resolution declared ____ Marbury v. Madison was important because it ____ ____ was the vast region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains purchased by the U.S. from France. Louisiana Purchase was significant because ____ President Jefferson's actions did NOT reflect his belief the federal government had only powers spelled out in the Constitution when he ____ The Louisianna Territory was explored by Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and ____ Jefferson sent the Lewis & Clark Expedition into Louisiana Territory to ____ and to learn about American Indian nations who might trade with American merchants ____ infuriated Americans about the way British ships interfered with American trading ships. To avoid war, Jefferson pushed Congress to pass the Embargo Act of 1807 which ____ The Treaty of Greenville settled the ongoing conflict between American Indians and white settlers by ____. Shawnee Chief ____ called for unity amount American Indian tribes to stop white settlers from taking their lands ____ was president during the War of 1812 Two causes of the War of 1812 were the British ____ and seizing American ships. An effect of the Battle of New Orleans was ____ The main benefit to the United States of the War of 1812 was ____ The main political division under President Monroe was between ____ Henry Clay's American System with high tariffs on imported goods benefited the West and South as ____ The Monroe Doctrine made it clear that the U.S. would actively oppose any attempt by European powers to ____

Early Republic Test - MULTIPLE CHOICE


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