1) "You're doing great"! a) Unclear (vague) b) General c) Clear (specific) 2) "Next time, make sure to include the name of the author". a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 3) "Your story is too long". a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 4) "I didn't like that part". a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 5) "You nailed it"! a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 6) "You described the forest really well here. I can picture how everything looks". a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 7) "The story needs more detail"! a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 8) "That was dumb." a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 9) "Your conclusion confused me." a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 10) "One problem I see is that you used the word "always" twice in this sentence". a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 11) "I like the way this part sounds." a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 12) "Great job!" a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 13) "Why does the main character leave the party so angry?" a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 14) "Fix your spelling". a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful) 15) "Excellent job on your conclusion. You restated all of your ideas and gave the reader something to think about". a) Unclear / Vague (not helpful) b) General (a little helpful) c) Clear / Specific (very helpful)

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