Name the 2 Shabbat Shabbatons? , How is Shavuot dual in nature? , What month and day is Shavuot in scripture? , What other names is Shavuot called? , After First- fruits how do we count to get to Shavuot? , Name people in scripture that celebrated Shavuot?, What was the sign YAHWEH gave to Noah to establish the everlasting covenant? , What are the instructions for Shavuot? , Name people who were born on Shavuot?, What is the importance of Shavuot?, What is a free will offering...., How does the book of Ruth tie into Shavuot? , What does YAHWEH command us concerning our mood on Shavuot? , What gift did YESHUA promise to leave us during Shavuot? , What happened when the RUACH HA' QODESH was poured out on Shavuot? , What should you bring for a wave offering on Shavuot? , What are we to remember on Shavuot? , What does it mean to be a cheerful giver? .



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