Casein - Protein in milk, Lactose - Sugar in Milk, Cream - Fat in Milk, Pasteurized - Milk that is heated to kill bacteria, Homogenized - Fat evenly distributed throughout milk, Calcium - Vitamin D is needed to absorb this mineral, VitaminA - Reduced fat milk is fortified with this vitamin, Raw - Unpasteurized milk, Margarine - Butter substitute that is not dairy, Evaporated - Milk that has 1/2 of water removed, Sweetened Condensed - Evaporated milk plus sugar, Shelf Life - Advantage of Dry Milk, Scalded - Heated to just below boiling, Scum - Can form on top of milk when heated, Excessive - Avoid _____________heat, Three - Top range of cups that Dairy Council recommends, Two - From cow to grocery in how many days, Bones - Minerals in milk build strong_________, Whey - Watery part left after curds are formed, Yogurt - Bacteria culture is added to make this product, Cheese - Dairy product that is is often aged or ripened,



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