1) What are some things that define a culture, generally speaking? 2) What are some interesting points about your culture? 3) When people think about your culture, what are some things they typically think of? 4) What are some behaviors that are considered to be rude in your culture? 5) How do young people in your culture behave differently from older generations? 6) Describe a time when you felt confused by the culture of another person. 7) How are language teachers in your country different from language teachers in the U.S.? 8) What in your culture do you admire the most? What are the most proud of? 9) Would you ever date or marry someone from another culture? Why or why not? 10) What are some important things to consider before you visit another culture? 11) Have you ever experienced culture shock? If so, what happened? 12) In what ways is your country or culture represented in the U.S.? 13) What are some stereotypes about your culture or your cultural identity? 14) Do you think people are becoming more tolerant or less tolerant of other cultures? Why? 15) What are some cultures that you admire? What do you admire and why?

Discussion Boxes: Culture


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