Turtles have many physical features that help them survive: Their hard shells allow them protection from dangers in their environment or predators., Their limbs are paddle-like, allowing them to swim away from predators quickly., Some turtles even have abilities to reach their head all the way back to their tails to bite which is a form of protection., Hibernation helps animals survive through winter months.: Animals prepare for hibernation by eating an abundance of food to store fat for their body., Food is extremely limited or scarce throughout winter months, During hibernation, animals’ heart rate slows down to save energy for the animal., Throughout this period of time, the animals’ bodies live off of this stored fat., Many animals learn behaviors that help them survive.: The baby animal will watch its parent to learn how to hunt, play, and defend itself., For example, lion cubs will observe their mother hunting and will mimic her behaviors., Birds will watch its mother to learn how to build a nest and where it is safe to do so.,

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