1) Are you any good at identifying different types of plants? Do you know anyone who uses traditional herbal medicine? What are some tr______ r_______s? 2) What is the most st_____ place of natural beauty you have ever been to? How is it affected by mass tourism? 3) When was the last time you went camping? On what conditions would you go camping? How do present-day r_______s affect the experience? (In the past you used to be able to camp out pretty much anywhere, but now you need permission to camp out in many places.) 4) Some say that you start truly appreciating nature after you turn 30. Do you think this is true? Has your attitude towards nature changed with age? 5) Given the choice, would you go on an adventure holiday or would you go on a c____ br____? Why? 6) Why do you think env________ a_______ has gained so much traction recently? Have you ever taken part in an event or campaign aimed at protecting the environment? 7) Do you ever get eco anxiety? How might one tackle the feeling of despair at the thought of the i_____ d_____ that may have been done to our planet? 8) What are some things we can learn from nature? What is the c_______ b_______ the seasons of nature and the seasons of life? 9) Some say that in order to truly know a person, you need to see what they are like during all of the four seasons. Do you think there is any truth to that? Why or why not? 10) What is your stance on zoos? Is it possible to r______ one’s care for the natural world w_____ one’s desire to give children the opportunity to learn about the natural world?

Week 23 CPE Discussion


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