to go to bed: I am really tired after all that exercise. I am going to _________. - Hit the sack , to say something that isn’t true for the purpose of humor: You won the lottery?! Are you ___________? - Pull someone’s leg , to feel a little sick: I’m____________, so I think I’ll stay home today. - Under the weather , to reveal a secret: I know you’re pregnant! They___________. - Spill the beans , over time and through difficult periods - Through thick and thin , not very often: We only go out for dinner__________ - Once in a blue moon , a really great thing or person, or a great new invention: ChatGPT is the best thing since_____________. - The best/greatest thing since sliced bread, to agree or have the same opinion as someone else: I’m glad we see ___________on this issue. - See eye to eye, to start doing something or liking something that has become popular already: One fast food company came out with healthy options, and pretty soon all the fast food chains were ____________.. - Jump on (get on, climb on) the bandwagon, something that is easy to do: The first quiz was a_______________. - A piece of cake, to not speak directly, to talk around an issue and avoid the main point: Stop__________and tell me what happened! - Beat around the bush, to study: The test is next week. I need to_____ - Hit the books , - to persuade someone to do something they don’t want to do:I was going to stay home, but Maria ______. - Twist someone’s arm, to betray someone who trusts you: I heard what you said about me. How could you _______ like that? - Stab someone in the back, - to quit something completely and at once: It was hard, but I quit smoking_____. - Quit cold turkey, - to do something to use up energy and relax, like talking, exercise, or drinking: I go for a run when I need to_____ - Blow off steam, to pay a lot: She paid _____ for her new phone. - Pay an arm and a leg, to share the cost of something, usually food: We were poor students, so we always ____. - Go dutch , to stay positive and hopeful when times are difficult: Nothing gets him down. He ______. - Keep one’s chin up , not what someone likes: My family is into sailing, but it’s ________. - Not one’s cup of tea , to do something in an easy or cheap way which might lead to results of lower quality: I was running out of time, so I cut________. - Cut corners , to like sweet foods a lot: My grandma had ____, so she was always baking cakes and slices. - Have a sweet tooth , to do something that makes people relax when they are meeting for the first time: __________I just ask people questions. - Break the ice, to ignore or be unfriendly toward someone: She’s ________ because she’s mad at me. - Give someone the cold shoulder,

Twenty-Four Common Idioms with Meanings and Examples


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