1) Jenny would like a house with a _______ study where she can put her big desk and her two big bookcases. a) crowded b) spacious 2) David was tired of the noise and pollution of the big city, so he decided to move to a small ______ town in the countryside. a) isolated b) industrial 3) Mrs Finch is very ______ ; she always peeps at us from behind the curtains to see what we’re doing in the garden. a) caring b) nosy 4) Astronauts who work on the International Space Station use a(n) ________hose to wash with. a) airless b) vacuum 5) Objects in space float because of the _________of gravity. a) lack b) zero 6) My next-door neighbour, Mrs. Scrooge, is very ______. She doesn’t understand simple things in her sixties. a) silly b) sociable 7) Peter and Frank play football at their local football __________. a) hall b) pitch 8) Of all the ____________ chores, doing dishes is the one Jenny hates most. a) housework b) household 9) Ian isn’t a very ________ person, as he’s not very comfortable with meeting new people. a) sociable b) silly 10) Deforestation and the effects of tourism on natural habitats are two of the reasons why many plant and animal species are in danger of becoming _______. a) extinct b) destroyed 11) Dan’s muscles_________soft after his accident, as he was unable to exercise for months. a) relaxed b) went 12) The astronauts who work on the International Space Station _______ a lot of experiments. a) make b) do 13) Finish …… the furniture, and then the house will be ready for tonight’s party. a) dust b) dusting c) to dust 14) You can’t …… the washing now. It’s raining and all the clothes will get wet. a) hang out b) to hang out c) hanging out 15) Timmy likes helping around the house, but he hates having to …… the rubbish out every night. a) take b) taking 16) Take off your shoes before going into the kitchen; Mum has just …… the floor. a) mop b) mopped c) mopping 17) She had no time for …… breakfast in the morning. a) prepare b) to prepare c) preparing 18) I don’t know how Samantha manages to …… the ironing so fast. a) do b) doing 19) Messy people find it difficult to …… their room tidy. a) keep b) keeping 20) Pamela always …… her bed as soon as she gets up in the morning. a) make b) making c) makes 21) Christina is a helpful girl. She often gives her family a hand with …… their modern furniture. a) dust b) dusting c) to dust 22) Sorry, mum, I’m busy! Next time I’ll …… the washing-up. a) do b) did c) doing 23) The park is ……(close) to walk to from here. a) too close b) close enough 24) Tom is ……(forgetful) to remember that he has an appointment with the dentist; you’d better remind him. a) too forgetful b) forgetful enough 25) One thing that I don’t like about this area is that it’s ……(noisy). a) too noisy b) noisy enough 26) James doesn’t like the cottage his parents want to rent for the summer because he doesn’t find it ……(modern). a) too modern b) modern enough 27) Bryan is …… (selfish) to care about anyone’s problems but his own. a) too selfish b) selfish enough 28) Did you get …… (sleep) last night? You seem tired. a) sleep enough b) too sleep c) enough sleep 29) Christine is …… (busy) to babysit for Timmy tonight; she has a lot of work for tomorrow. a) too busy b) busy enough 30) Our living room isn’t ……(big) for this sofa; we need to get a smaller one. a) enough big b) big enough c) too big 31) - What do you think of his plan? - It's ... a) get on like a house on fire b) home from home c) be home and dry d) as safe as houses 32) - I didn't know Jame and Emma were friends. - Yes, they are very close friends. They ... a) get on like a house on fire b) home from home c) be home and dry d) as safe as houses 33) - Did you enjoy staying at that hotel? - Yes, it was like ... a) get on like a house on fire b) home from home c) be home and dry d) as safe as houses 34) Now that the most difficult part of the project is over I'm finally ... . a) get on like a house on fire b) home from home c) home and dry d) as safe as houses

Spotlight 9 Module 2 Test


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