S in SMART - Specific, Capital Good - a good that is used to make other goods , Example of Above the Line Promotion - TV, Radio, Billboards, What does SWOT stand for - Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, Below the line media - Leaflets, newspaper adverts, What are the 4 P's - Product, Price, Place & Promotion, What is market share - Market share is the proportion of total sales in a market made by one business, Why is market share important data?  - businesses will use it as an indication of how well they are doing compared to their competitors., What is a distribution channel?  - Distribution channels include wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and the Internet., What is meant by the term brand?  - A recognisable image/slogan/logo, What is qualitative data?  - Qualitative data is information that cannot be counted, measured or easily expressed using numbers, What is Quantitative data? - Quantitative data are data represented numerically, including anything that can be counted, measured, or given a numerical value,

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