Asset - Valuable resources, such as data, systems, or intellectual property, that an organization seeks to protect from unauthorized access or damange, Attack - A deliberate and malicious attempt to compromise the CIA of a system of its components, Risk - The potential for harm or loss resulting from the exploitation of vulnerabilities, threats, or uncertainties within a system or organization, SecOPs - A collaborative approach that integrates security with IT operations to efficiently and effectively manage cybersecurity threats, Threat - A potential danger or malicious activity that can exploit vulnerabilities in a system, network, or application, Vulnerability - A weakness or flaw in a system, network, or application that can be exploited by a threat, leading to potential security breaches, Mobile Device Management (MDM) - Software that allows an organization to monitor, manage, and secure mobile devices that are used in enterprise networks, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) - A sophisticated, prolonged cyberattack orchestrated by well-funded and highly skilled threat actors, Zero Day - A software security flaw that attacks exploit before the software vendor becomes aware of it, Vulnerability Tester - A cybersecurity professional who assess computer systems, networks, and applications to identify and evaluate potential security weaknesses, Red Team - Also known as penetration testers, is a group of experts simulating malicious attackers to assess and test the security of a system, network, or organization. Their main objective is to identify vulnerabilities that may be exploited by real adversaries, Blue Team - Consists of defenders responsible for maintaining and enhancing the security of an organization's systems, White Team - Refers to impartial observers or assessors who oversee, Purple Team - Collaboration between red and blue teams, White Hat - Often an ethical cybersecurity professional who employs their skills to identify and fix security systems, networks, or applications, Black Hat - Engages in malicious activities, exploiting vulnerabilities for personal gain, Gray Hat - A combination of white and black strategies, often conducting activities without explicit authorization but intents may, Insider Threat - The potential risk by individuals within an organization who possess privileged access and knowledge of the internal systems. Can be intentional or unintentional, Industrial Espionage - Refers to the covert and unauthorized gathering of confidential business information, trade secrets, or intellectual property by one company or entity from another, Nation State Espionage - Refers to the clandestine and systematic efforts by a government or state-sponsored entities to gather intelligence, classified information, or sensitive data from other nations or entities, Script Kiddie - An individual, often lacking in-depth technical knowledge or programming skills, who relies on pre-written or hacking tools to launch cyberattacks,
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