Many teenagers are addicted ____ / hooked ____ Internet chat rooms. People who smoke are ____ danger of / ____ risk of developing serious health problems. The streets in the town centre are full ____ /covered ____ litter. Nobody knew the reason ____ / the cause ____ his strange behaviour at the restaurant. The head teacher wanted to introduce school uniforms, but most of the teacherswere not ____ agreement / ____ the same opinion. To be truly a great artist you cannot be frightened ____ / worried ____ failure. My girlfriend arrived ____ the cinema ten minutes late. People usually dress ____ colourful clothes at carnivals. The protests have had no effect ____ the government. Madonna was married ____ a film director. The film Titanic is based ____ a true story. Careless cyclists are in danger ____ getting injured. ____ first sight I thought that it was a dog running across the field. Then I realised it was a fox. Tom can sing ____ a fashion, but he hasn’t got the w orld’s greatest voice. Margaret was so shocked at his rudeness that she was ____ a loss what to say. I don’t want to stop seeing Jenny, but we haven’t been getting on well lately, so perhaps it’s ____ the best. ____ balance the class’s exam results were pretty good. I’ve been ____ touch with Mark for ages. How is he?

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