suffix - a group of letters that can come at the end of a work, prefix - a group of letters that can come at the beginning of a work and changes the meaning of the word., context clues - using words surrounding a word to understand what it means, product - the answer to a multiplication problem, factors - the numbers in a multiplication equation, sum - the answer to an addition problem, difference - the answer to a subtraction problem, quotient - the answer to a division problem, noun - a person, place or thing or idea, verb - an action word, adjective - a describing word, contraction - combines two words and using an apostrophe, synonym - two words that mean about the same thing, antonym - words that mean opposites of each other, area - the measurement inside the area of a polygon, perimeter - the measurement around the outside of a polygon, rectangle - a quadrilateral with four right angles, square - a quadrilateral with four right angles and all sides the same length, trapezoid - a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides, parallelogram - a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel and equal, rhombus - a quadrilateral with four equal sides and opposite sides parallel, quadrilateral - a polygon with four sides, topic sentence - states the main idea, supporting details - sentences that support the main idea, conclusion - restating the main idea,
February 2023
3rd Grade
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