Agriculture,food & Natural Resources - florist, farmer, and zoologist., Architecture & Construction - carpenter, plumber, and electrician., Art, A/V Technology & Communication - Theatre, music, and acting., Business Management & Administration - Numbers, Directing, and organizing., Education & Training - Teaching, coaching, and training., Finance - money, number, and data., Government & Public Administration - make change for your community., Health Science - Science, helping people, and medical., Hospitality & Tourism - Travel agent, hotel manager, and tour guide., human services - Barber, Nanny, and Minlstek., Information Technology - video game designer, webmaster, and computer programmer., Law, Public Safety Corrections, & Security - Judge, Emt, and firefighter., Manufacturing - Welder, Appliance, and Engineer., Marking - Real estate, and casher, and telemarker, sScience, Tech, Engineering, Math and , Stem - Astronomer, roboticist, and geolagist, Transportation, Distribution & Logistics - Mechanic, Busdriver, and Pilot.,

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