Suffrage - the right to vote in political elections, Tariff of Abominations - Tariff passed by Congress in 1828 that favored manufacturing in the North and was hated by the South, Trail of Tears - Cherokee Indians forced to leave their lands traveled from N Carolina and Georgia 800 miles to Indian Territory. 4, 000 died., censure - It is a formal statement of disapproval against a president from a member of Congress, corrupt bargain - John Quincy Adams stole the election of 1824 from Andrew Jackson and the voters., 1828 election - Increased suffrage-All white men can Vote including non-land owning men., appointments - an office or position that is not elected, spoils system - practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs, tariff - tax on imported goods, Indian Territory - An area Native Americans were moved covering Oklahoma and parts of Kansas and Nebraska, Indian Removal Act of 1830 - the forceful removal and relocation of tribes East o fMississippi to Indian territory, led to many battles, Nullification Crisis of 1832 - Georgia declared Tariff of 1832 unconstitutional. Jackson Compromised, universal suffrage - gives the right to vote to all adult citizens, Bank War - Jackson tried to kill 2nd Bank charter caused fight between state and national bank., bank charter - document incorporating an institution and specifying its rights to act exclusively as the national bank, John Quincy Adams - 6th President of the United States, he made the Corrupt Bargain, Andrew Jackson - 7th President, Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears, Bank War, Nullification Crisis, Increased Suffrage, Corrupt Bargain, Worcester v. Georgia - Supreme Court Decision - Cherokee Indians deserve federal protection from state governments which would infringe on tribe's sovereignty, Unconstitutional - an act/ law that violate/ goes against the constitution, Era of good feelings - a period of peace, pride, and prog​ress for the United States from 1815 to 1825,


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