Business Studies 14 16
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6.766 Ergebnisse für 'business 14 16'
Joan Eardley - Children and Chalked Wall 3
Beschriftetes Diagramm
Internal & External Stakeholders
Die richtige Gruppe
Stakeholders/Factors Influences in Business
It's a Match
N5 Marketing : Label the Product Life Cycle
Beschriftetes Diagramm
Statement of Financial Position - Key Terms
It's a Match
Business Ownership
Die richtige Gruppe
Batch Production
Die richtige Gruppe
Financial Statement - Ratio Key Terms
It's a Match
Introduction to Business Basic Terminology
It's a Match
Jagd durchs Labyrinth
Income Statement Key Terms
It's a Match
What makes a good manager and leader
Die richtige Gruppe
Needs, Wants, Goods & Services
Die richtige Gruppe
Market Research
Die richtige Gruppe
Sources of Finance
It's a Match
Marketing Quiz
Positive/Negative Body Language
Die richtige Gruppe
Stakeholders Interest
It's a Match
Describing Trends
Die richtige Gruppe
S1 - Spreadsheet Formula Recap
Jagd durchs Labyrinth
Breakeven - Costs
Die richtige Gruppe
Command Words
Passende Paare
Organisation Structures
Die richtige Gruppe
Different ways to give your point of view
Die richtige Gruppe
Business Basics
Management of Operations - Stock Management
Die richtige Gruppe
Qualitative or Quantitative?
Die richtige Gruppe
Business Vocab Builder 54.2 Describing trends
It's a Match
Types of Business Ownership
It's a Match
Business Vocab Builder 54.1 Describing trends
It's a Match
Employability skills - matching pairs
Passende Paare
Interview Questions E3
Öffnen Sie die Box
Employment Law Quiz
External Factors (PESTEC)
It's a Match
Introduction to Business Basics
Finance - business man
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Listen and colour. Write the letters.
Zufällige Karten
Admin Skills and Qualities
Die richtige Gruppe
External Factors
Guess the Entrepreneur
It's a Match
It's a Match
Primary and secondary research game
Öffnen Sie die Box
National 5 People: Training and Development unscramble
Die richtige Reihenfolge
The Role of Human Resources ~ S3 BGE
It's a Match
Methods of Production - N5 Business
Die richtige Gruppe
Admin Security
Die richtige Gruppe
S3 Accounting Revision
Jagd durchs Labyrinth
Match It Market Research
It's a Match
HBM Grouping Balloon Pop
Leadership styles and decision making.
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