
French Time The

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Match the correct time.
Match the correct time. Passende Paare
Time It's a Match
simple hour.
simple hour. It's a Match
Les drogues, le tabagisme et l'alcohool
Les drogues, le tabagisme et l'alcohool It's a Match
Time to the Quarter Hour Find the Match
Time to the Quarter Hour Find the Match Die passende Antwort
Match the clocks
Match the clocks Die passende Antwort
Time in French
Time in French It's a Match
Days of the Week
Days of the Week Quiz
Sort the Clocks (Quarter Hours)
Sort the Clocks (Quarter Hours) Die richtige Gruppe
Telling the Time (5 minute intervals)
Telling the Time (5 minute intervals) Quiz
Negatives + passé composé (holidays)
Negatives + passé composé (holidays) Wahr oder falsch
avoir or être
avoir or être Die richtige Gruppe
Passé composé
Passé composé Hau den Maulwurf
Studio 5.1 verbs in different tenses
Studio 5.1 verbs in different tenses Die richtige Gruppe
DU / DE LA / DE L' / DES
DU / DE LA / DE L' / DES Die richtige Gruppe
Mon/ma/mes + family
Mon/ma/mes + family Die richtige Gruppe
S1 - Activité 7
S1 - Activité 7 It's a Match
O'clock Practice
O'clock Practice Quiz
AM or PM?
AM or PM? Die richtige Gruppe
Ordering Units of Time
Ordering Units of Time Die richtige Reihenfolge
Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive Verbs It's a Match
Les fêtes en France
Les fêtes en France Die richtige Gruppe
Weather revision
Weather revision Anagramm
S1 - Activité 8
S1 - Activité 8 It's a Match
les vêtements
les vêtements It's a Match
Adjectifs pour décrire la personnalité
Adjectifs pour décrire la personnalité Die richtige Gruppe
Time chase
Time chase Jagd durchs Labyrinth
Primary - Weather revision
Primary - Weather revision Luftballons
Telling the Time (French)
Telling the Time (French) Luftballons
Time phrases
Time phrases Die passende Antwort
Mon école primaire - gap-fill
Mon école primaire - gap-fill Vervollständige den Satz
how often/ la fréquence
how often/ la fréquence It's a Match
la région où j'habite
la région où j'habite Vervollständige den Satz
TIME PELMANISM! Passende Paare
Wheel of time (1)
Wheel of time (1) Glücksrad
Le tabagisme, les drogues et l'alcohol - Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol
Le tabagisme, les drogues et l'alcohol - Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol Passende Paare
Studio Mod 3.3 Les fêtes
Studio Mod 3.3 Les fêtes Die richtige Reihenfolge
Studio GCSE Mod 1 Pdd adjective agreements
Studio GCSE Mod 1 Pdd adjective agreements Hau den Maulwurf
Studio GCSE 8.1
Studio GCSE 8.1 It's a Match
Which month is in each season?
Which month is in each season? Die richtige Gruppe
French Quiz
Seasons Vervollständige den Satz
What do we do on holiday?
What do we do on holiday? Anagramm
Seasons wheel
Seasons wheel Glücksrad
Daily Routine
Daily Routine Die richtige Reihenfolge
Getting to know you
Getting to know you Glücksrad
Ice breakers
Ice breakers Glücksrad
seasons wordsearch
seasons wordsearch Wörtersuche
von Anonym
Rooms in the house - French
Rooms in the house - French Beschriftetes Diagramm
Telling the time - find the match
Telling the time - find the match Die passende Antwort
Days of the week
Days of the week Wahr oder falsch
Soll die automatisch gespeicherte Aktivität wiederhergestellt werden?