
4-й класс Super minds 2

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There is/are + some/a/an
There is/are + some/a/an Die richtige Gruppe
Whose clothes are these? Unit 5
Whose clothes are these? Unit 5 Die richtige Gruppe
Super minds 2 -  activities unit 8
Super minds 2 - activities unit 8 Quiz gewinnen oder verlieren
Super Minds 1 classrom actions
Super Minds 1 classrom actions Beschriftetes Diagramm
Super Minds 3 Unit 7 (disease Vocab)
Super Minds 3 Unit 7 (disease Vocab) Anagramm
Super Minds 3 U 6 (Comparatives & Superlatives)
Super Minds 3 U 6 (Comparatives & Superlatives) Die richtige Reihenfolge
Super minds 3 Unit 8 Countries and flags_2
Super minds 3 Unit 8 Countries and flags_2 It's a Match
Adjectives Super Minds Unit 2
Adjectives Super Minds Unit 2 Zufällige Karten
 There are some/ There is a
There are some/ There is a Quiz
A1 Movers Numbers (thematic vocabulary)
A1 Movers Numbers (thematic vocabulary) Anagramm
Super minds 2 off we go
Super minds 2 off we go Wörtersuche
Super Minds 2 Unit 1 new words
Super Minds 2 Unit 1 new words Beschriftetes Diagramm
SM4_unit 4_prepositions of time
SM4_unit 4_prepositions of time Glücksrad
What's this? Super Minds 1 Unit 1
What's this? Super Minds 1 Unit 1 Die richtige Reihenfolge
SM4_unit 4_Prepositions of time (at, on, in)
SM4_unit 4_Prepositions of time (at, on, in) Flash-Karten
So do I/ Me too // I don't. Unit 8
So do I/ Me too // I don't. Unit 8 Quiz
Holiday plans
Holiday plans Quiz
sm 4 unit 2 story
sm 4 unit 2 story Spielshow-Quiz
SM 2 The market (grammar) Is there any...? Are there any...? ( )
SM 2 The market (grammar) Is there any...? Are there any...? ( ) Die richtige Reihenfolge
SM 4 TRB Unit 4 make questions and answer
SM 4 TRB Unit 4 make questions and answer Die richtige Reihenfolge
Super Minds 4 Unit 4
Super Minds 4 Unit 4 Anagramm
Emergency services
Emergency services Beschriftetes Diagramm
SM4_unit 5_had to_answer the questions
SM4_unit 5_had to_answer the questions Zufällige Karten
Types of TV programmes Unit 3.1
Types of TV programmes Unit 3.1 Quiz
SM 4 Unit 8 vocab
SM 4 Unit 8 vocab It's a Match
Means of transport Unit 3.1
Means of transport Unit 3.1 Die richtige Gruppe
 SM 4 U0-1 vocabulary review
SM 4 U0-1 vocabulary review Galgenmännchen
SM3 U2 Super Grammar Reading 2
SM3 U2 Super Grammar Reading 2 It's a Match
Mythical Beasts (SM 4 Unit 6)
Mythical Beasts (SM 4 Unit 6) Glücksrad
MM SM 4 Unit 1 In the museum
MM SM 4 Unit 1 In the museum Wörtersuche
Modals of deduction Present
Modals of deduction Present Quiz
Super Minds 4 Story SB pp.88-89
Super Minds 4 Story SB pp.88-89 Glücksrad
SM 4 Unit 9 (a pack of sweets, a can of tomatoes)
SM 4 Unit 9 (a pack of sweets, a can of tomatoes) Beschriftetes Diagramm
The Zoo
The Zoo Galgenmännchen
SM 2 UNIT 9 Bild-Quiz
SM 2 "My day"
SM 2 "My day" Anagramm
SM4 U7 Musical instruments
SM4 U7 Musical instruments Galgenmännchen
Super Minds 4 Unit 3 Danger
Super Minds 4 Unit 3 Danger Anagramm
Adverbs Quiz
SM4_unit 1_in the museum
SM4_unit 1_in the museum Anagramm
Super Minds 4 unit 3 vocabulary
Super Minds 4 unit 3 vocabulary Zufällige Karten
Meet the Explorers
Meet the Explorers Vervollständige den Satz
Adverbs Quiz
SM4 U8 Planetarium
SM4 U8 Planetarium Galgenmännchen
SM4 U4 vocabulary
SM4 U4 vocabulary Wörtersuche
SM4 U6 Mythical Beasts
SM4 U6 Mythical Beasts Galgenmännchen
SM4_unit 4_prepositions of time
SM4_unit 4_prepositions of time Die richtige Gruppe
Which, where, who
Which, where, who It's a Match
SM 2 Unit 6 - possessives
SM 2 Unit 6 - possessives Beschriftetes Diagramm
At the campsite
At the campsite It's a Match
The world around us
The world around us Anagramm
Speaking Who/which/where
Speaking Who/which/where Glücksrad
Animal quiz
Animal quiz Quiz
SM4 U4 Prepositions
SM4 U4 Prepositions Glücksrad
Super Minds 4 U6 Mythical Beasts
Super Minds 4 U6 Mythical Beasts Kreuzworträtsel
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