
Cambridge first

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4.682 Ergebnisse für 'cambridge first'

Relationships IELTS part 2 speaking (no prompts)
Relationships IELTS part 2 speaking (no prompts) Glücksrad
ЕГЭ - essay writing language
ЕГЭ - essay writing language Die richtige Gruppe
EDUCATION B2 Vocab It's a Match
FCE Speaking Part 3
FCE Speaking Part 3 Die richtige Gruppe
MONEY B2 Vocab
MONEY B2 Vocab Die richtige Gruppe
Reporting verbs (common patterns followed by verbs)
Reporting verbs (common patterns followed by verbs) Die richtige Gruppe
WORK B2 Vocab
WORK B2 Vocab Wahr oder falsch
EDUCATION phrasal verbs B1-B2
EDUCATION phrasal verbs B1-B2 Vervollständige den Satz
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund Glücksrad
Negative PREFIXES Die passende Antwort
Writing an Article
Writing an Article Die richtige Gruppe
Sport-related phrasal verbs
Sport-related phrasal verbs It's a Match
Cambridge B2 Speaking Part 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing
Cambridge B2 Speaking Part 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing Die richtige Gruppe
Adjectives to describe PLACES
Adjectives to describe PLACES It's a Match
FCE B2 Phrasal verbs
FCE B2 Phrasal verbs Die passende Antwort
TECH & SOCIAL MEDIA B1-B2 Vocab Die richtige Gruppe
MAKE&DO: Match and replace * with MAKE or DO
MAKE&DO: Match and replace * with MAKE or DO It's a Match
B2/FCE zero, first and second conditionals: TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE
B2/FCE zero, first and second conditionals: TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Vervollständige den Satz
Money Matters 2 - Gateway B2 Unit 5
Money Matters 2 - Gateway B2 Unit 5 Die passende Antwort
ed/ing adjectives and emotions
ed/ing adjectives and emotions Wahr oder falsch
Perfect tenses revision
Perfect tenses revision Beschriftetes Diagramm
WORD FORMATION: Adj. to Noun B2 Die richtige Gruppe
PET Cambridge Part 1 ( Collins 2020, test 1)
PET Cambridge Part 1 ( Collins 2020, test 1) Quiz
Conditionals/Wish/if only
Conditionals/Wish/if only Vervollständige den Satz
PET Cambridge Reading Part 1 ( Collins 2020 test 2)
PET Cambridge Reading Part 1 ( Collins 2020 test 2) Quiz
Verb Forms: to-infinitive, bare infinitive, gerund/ V+ing
Verb Forms: to-infinitive, bare infinitive, gerund/ V+ing Die richtige Gruppe
ed/ing adjectives B1
ed/ing adjectives B1 Glücksrad
PHRASALS with UP/DOWN Die richtige Gruppe
Easily confused expressions with MOST
Easily confused expressions with MOST Beschriftetes Diagramm
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund
Verbs with Infinitive AND Gerund It's a Match
Essay vs. Article (B1-B2)
Essay vs. Article (B1-B2) Die richtige Gruppe
Modals of Probability
Modals of Probability Beschriftetes Diagramm
Health & Body B1-B2
Health & Body B1-B2 Die richtige Gruppe
Global warming/ climate change - essential vocabulary
Global warming/ climate change - essential vocabulary Die passende Antwort
Gateway B2 unit 7: compound nouns and adjectives
Gateway B2 unit 7: compound nouns and adjectives Flash-Karten
Fce Speaking part 1
Fce Speaking part 1 Zufällige Karten
Gateway B2 unit 7: creative arts flashcards
Gateway B2 unit 7: creative arts flashcards Flash-Karten
First Friends Unit 3 My Toys
First Friends Unit 3 My Toys Bild-Quiz
First Friends Phonics Units 1-3
First Friends Phonics Units 1-3 Die richtige Gruppe
End-of-summer questions for YLE Movers/Flyers
End-of-summer questions for YLE Movers/Flyers Öffnen Sie die Box
Time words for stories
Time words for stories Glücksrad
FCE Speaking Part 1 Technologies and Discoveries & Innovations
FCE Speaking Part 1 Technologies and Discoveries & Innovations Zufällige Karten
linkers for ESSAYS
linkers for ESSAYS Anagramm
FCE/B2 First - Speaking part 1
FCE/B2 First - Speaking part 1 Öffnen Sie die Box
WORD FORMATION: Verb to Noun Wörtersuche
Unit 5 My home
Unit 5 My home Zufällige Karten
READING Öffnen Sie die Box
First Conditional - Options - Gaps
First Conditional - Options - Gaps Vervollständige den Satz
Intro Glücksrad
First friends Classroom
First friends Classroom It's a Match
Have something done - Gateway B1+
Have something done - Gateway B1+ Zufällige Karten
Preliminary Speaking Part1
Preliminary Speaking Part1 Glücksrad
Job It's a Match
 Предлоги места. Starters
Предлоги места. Starters Quiz
Phrasals w/BREAK & BRING (Starlight 7)
Phrasals w/BREAK & BRING (Starlight 7) Quiz
FCE Speaking part 1 Leasure activities and hobbies
FCE Speaking part 1 Leasure activities and hobbies Glücksrad
First Friends Unit 4 My things
First Friends Unit 4 My things Bild-Quiz
Adjectives It's a Match
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