
English / ESL Phonics Primary

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10.000+ Ergebnisse für 'english phonics primary'

e u i o words
e u i o words Quiz
Sh vs Ch
Sh vs Ch Quiz
 sh, ch, th
sh, ch, th Quiz
sh ch th
sh ch th Die richtige Gruppe
sh, ch, th
sh, ch, th It's a Match
Letter Mm
Letter Mm It's a Match
Letter Nn
Letter Nn It's a Match
Letter Rr
Letter Rr It's a Match
"f" vs "h" sounds
"f" vs "h" sounds Quiz
l j v w x y
l j v w x y Quiz
 Reading Phonics (-ee, -ea,-[i])
Reading Phonics (-ee, -ea,-[i]) Glücksrad
 ear, air
ear, air Quiz
TH-reading Zufällige Karten
th (voiced\voiceless), ng
th (voiced\voiceless), ng It's a Match
Phonics reading 1
Phonics reading 1 Zufällige Karten
Phonics 2 reading
Phonics 2 reading Zufällige Karten
Sh vs Ch
Sh vs Ch Fliegende Früchte
qu, sh, ch
qu, sh, ch Anagramm
 qu, j, z, x
qu, j, z, x Passende Paare
f, h
f, h Die passende Antwort
m d g o c
m d g o c Quiz
m d g o c
m d g o c Die passende Antwort
2 a o u i sh ch oo ee or ar ai ay ow ou ck ea oa
2 a o u i sh ch oo ee or ar ai ay ow ou ck ea oa Zufällige Karten
Unscramble the words
Unscramble the words Anagramm
Clothes Die passende Antwort
Phonics - oa
Phonics - oa Zufällige Karten
Phonics - all
Phonics - all Zufällige Karten
Phonics - aw
Phonics - aw Zufällige Karten
ar Zufällige Karten
Phonics - UR IR ER
Phonics - UR IR ER Zufällige Karten
Short o words
Short o words Spielshow-Quiz
-ng phonics
-ng phonics Zufällige Karten
Long O Sort (o_e, ow, oa, oe)
Long O Sort (o_e, ow, oa, oe) Die richtige Gruppe
Digraphs sh ch
Digraphs sh ch Die richtige Gruppe
he she  + name + age +toy
he she + name + age +toy Zufällige Karten
Phonics - ee
Phonics - ee Zufällige Karten
Short A and short U
Short A and short U Zufällige Karten
Phonics - ea
Phonics - ea Zufällige Karten
CVC reading
CVC reading Öffnen Sie die Box
short I and long I
short I and long I Die richtige Gruppe
Phonics - oi, oy
Phonics - oi, oy Zufällige Karten
Phonics 'ee', 'ea'
Phonics 'ee', 'ea' Die passende Antwort
Letters Capital Low case
Letters Capital Low case It's a Match
Digraphs -ck, -ch, -sh
Digraphs -ck, -ch, -sh It's a Match
Phonics SH sound
Phonics SH sound Zufällige Karten
Oxford Phonics Letter Cc
Oxford Phonics Letter Cc It's a Match
Oxford Phonics Letter Mm
Oxford Phonics Letter Mm It's a Match
Oxford Phonics Letter Bb
Oxford Phonics Letter Bb It's a Match
Oxford Phonics Letter Vv
Oxford Phonics Letter Vv It's a Match
Oxford Phonics Letter Ll
Oxford Phonics Letter Ll It's a Match
Phonics S-N
Phonics S-N Die richtige Gruppe
Oxford Phonics Letter Zz
Oxford Phonics Letter Zz It's a Match
Oxford Phonics Letter Dd
Oxford Phonics Letter Dd It's a Match
Oxford Phonics Letter Rr
Oxford Phonics Letter Rr It's a Match
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