Pre inter
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Gerund and infinitive speaking cards
Zufällige Karten
EF Pre-Inter Airports
Beschriftetes Diagramm
EF Pre-Inter 1B Personality Opposites
It's a Match
EF Pre-Inter 1B Describing people. Appearance
It's a Match
EF Pre-Inter 1B Personality: definitions
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EF Pre-Inter 2C Connectors
Zufällige Karten
EF Pre-Inter 2C Verb phrases
It's a Match
EF Pre-Inter Housework
Die passende Antwort
Solution Pre-Int 4D
Solutions Pre 3E Negative adjective prefixes
Die richtige Gruppe
SpeakOut Pre-Int Un7 Revision (used to)
Solutions Pre 3D Must/have to
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EF Pre 5C quantifiers
Quiz gewinnen oder verlieren
Beschriftetes Diagramm
1C collocations with make/give/tell/have
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Reported speech
Zufällige Karten
Solutions Pre 1E verbs
It's a Match
Solutions Pre U1 Feelings
Anschauen und Auswendiglernen
IC clothes
It's a Match
Questions without auxiliaries
4E - Global warming text
Die passende Antwort
1F injury words
It's a Match
Like or dislike?
Zufällige Karten
Reported Speech Quiz
Advice Needed
Zufällige Karten
Solutions Pre 3B Much/many
Die richtige Gruppe
1F Injuries T/F
Wahr oder falsch
Types of films
Subject\Object\Special Questions
Zufällige Karten
2A Landscape words
It's a Match
8E - adjective suffixes
Die passende Antwort
Zero Conditional
Cooking intermediate
1H Fill in the gaps with these Phrasal verbs (MEANING)
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Solutions Pre 3G Key Phrases
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EF Pre-Inter 1B Appearance Match
Die passende Antwort
collocations with go,have, do speak out u 1.1
Die richtige Gruppe
Solutions Pre 2F Extreme adjectives
It's a Match
Solutions Pre 4 weather review
Die passende Antwort
Solutions Pre 4C Natural disasters
Solutions Pre 4E Compound nouns
Die passende Antwort
Solutions Pre 2A Landscapes Vocabulary
Die passende Antwort
Solutions Pre 3A Film genres
It's a Match
Solutions Pre 2E Word building
Solutions Pre 2G Sports clothes and equipment
Beschriftetes Diagramm
Solutions Pre 3E Negative adjective prefixes sentences
Die passende Antwort
Solutions Pre 4E All phrasal verbs
It's a Match
Solutions Pre Unit 1E Feeling or Situation
Wahr oder falsch
Solutions Pre 4C Natural disasters definitions
It's a Match
Solutions Pre 2E parts of speech
Die richtige Gruppe