The lexical approach
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New year's holiday [speaking - YLE]
It's a Match
A2/KET Speaking: Useful Language for The Collaborative task
Die richtige Gruppe
Gateway B1+ Unit 7: Sports/Venues/equipment/verbs
Die richtige Gruppe
prepare 1 unit 10 - Jobs around the house
Zufällige Karten
CAE/C1 Speaking Part 2 - Useful language
Die richtige Gruppe
Fun for Movers: Clothes/likes and dislikes matching
Beschriftetes Diagramm
CPE/C2 Collocations and fixed expressions
Die passende Antwort
Holiday plans - Super Minds 2 [UNIT 9]
It's a Match
CAE/C1 - Speaking part 3: Collaborative task useful language
Die richtige Gruppe
C1 Advanced - collocations about work
Vervollständige den Satz
FCE/B2 Speaking Part 2 - Useful Language
Die richtige Gruppe
C1/C2 Expressions to hesitate
It's a Match
C1 Personality and behavior collocations
It's a Match
I can jump! + At the circus!
Öffnen Sie die Box
The weather
It's a Match
My favourite food (Spotlight - 2)
Die richtige Reihenfolge
the weather
What's the time?
It's a Match
The truth game
9A The Passive: Name two ...
Open the box Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff
Öffnen Sie die Box
Open the box Telling the time (:00,:30) #my_teaching_stuff
Öffnen Sie die Box
Find the match Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff
Die passende Antwort
At the beach Starters (hangman)
Matching 1 (C1/C2 lexical)
It's a Match
places in the city Islands-1
It's a Match
the Hollow episode 2-1
Vervollständige den Satz
Telling_the_time #my_teaching_stuff
Days of the week
It's a Match
At the restaurant
Wahr oder falsch
Telling the time
It's a Match
types of the house
It's a Match
Match up Telling the time (:00) #my_teaching_stuff
It's a Match
Articles a/ an
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation (-ment, -ion, -ence)
Die passende Antwort
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 / Word formation missing words: -ment, -ion, -ence
Vervollständige den Satz
Days of the week
Days of the week
At the airport
It's a Match
The weather
Passende Paare
Parts of the Body
Beschriftetes Diagramm
Gateway to the World A2 / Unit 1 / Everyday activities matching 1
Die passende Antwort
Definite article with names
Die richtige Gruppe
Days of the week
Passende Paare
In the park
It's a Match
The Hollow Season1 Ep.1
It's a Match
The Hollow season1 ep.1 PRE+
Die richtige Gruppe
Die richtige Gruppe