
Початкова освіта Super minds 2

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Sports Club
Sports Club Passende Paare
Recycling Die passende Antwort
My Bedroom Super Minds 2
My Bedroom Super Minds 2 Beschriftetes Diagramm
Emotions Anagramm
Posessive and Personal pronouns
Posessive and Personal pronouns Passende Paare
Super minds 2. Zoo
Super minds 2. Zoo Anagramm
Present Simple (-s ending)
Present Simple (-s ending) Vervollständige den Satz
Recycling Vocab
Recycling Vocab Passende Paare
Vehicles wordsearch
Vehicles wordsearch Wörtersuche
Present Simple
Present Simple Die richtige Gruppe
Unit 1 At school. Label the objects
Unit 1 At school. Label the objects Beschriftetes Diagramm
Amusement park
Amusement park Die passende Antwort
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives It's a Match
Super minds 2. Unit 5. My Bedroom.
Super minds 2. Unit 5. My Bedroom. Quiz
Super Minds 2 Unit 3
Super Minds 2 Unit 3 Die passende Antwort
Super Minds 1 / 2 Let's play! / Toys
Super Minds 1 / 2 Let's play! / Toys It's a Match
Fly High 2 (L9 Grammar)
Fly High 2 (L9 Grammar) It's a Match
 Smart Junior 2. Module 2а
Smart Junior 2. Module 2а Passende Paare
 Smart Junior 2. Module 1a
Smart Junior 2. Module 1a Quiz
Fly High 2 (Lesson 13)
Fly High 2 (Lesson 13) Anagramm
Opposites (Fly High U 1-12)
Opposites (Fly High U 1-12) It's a Match
М. Савка "Босоніжки для Стоніжки"
М. Савка "Босоніжки для Стоніжки" Vervollständige den Satz
Smart Junior 2. 1b
Smart Junior 2. 1b Die passende Antwort
 Smart Junior 2. 1b
Smart Junior 2. 1b Passende Paare
Around Town
Around Town Jagd durchs Labyrinth
Super Minds 2 (Unit 9, Do That!)
Super Minds 2 (Unit 9, Do That!) It's a Match
Таблиця множення на 2
Таблиця множення на 2 Beschriftetes Diagramm
Super Minds 2 (Unit 5, My room)
Super Minds 2 (Unit 5, My room) Anagramm
My Bedroom
My Bedroom Passende Paare
Sports Club
Sports Club Glücksrad
Academy Stars 1. Unit 2. Is it...?
Academy Stars 1. Unit 2. Is it...? Quiz
There is/are a/an/some
There is/are a/an/some Beschriftetes Diagramm
Plans for Holidays
Plans for Holidays Zufällige Karten
Transport Places
Transport Places Die richtige Gruppe
Super Minds 2 Unit 3 p.44
Super Minds 2 Unit 3 p.44 Beschriftetes Diagramm
Daily tasks
Daily tasks Beschriftetes Diagramm
Body parts Quiz
Body parts Quiz Quiz
This That Halloween
This That Halloween Quiz
Face Galgenmännchen
The man and the cat
The man and the cat Galgenmännchen
Quick Minds 2. Unit 5. Off we go
Quick Minds 2. Unit 5. Off we go Vervollständige den Satz
Numbers and School Things
Numbers and School Things Die passende Antwort
 Fly high2. Lesson 11
Fly high2. Lesson 11 Wahr oder falsch
Алгоритм. Казка "Колобок"
Алгоритм. Казка "Колобок" It's a Match
Предмет-ознака (іменник-прикметник)
Предмет-ознака (іменник-прикметник) Die richtige Gruppe
Ознака предмета
Ознака предмета Die passende Antwort
At the beach
At the beach Anagramm
Time telling
Time telling It's a Match
Clothes Unscramble the words
Clothes Unscramble the words Anagramm
At the beach
At the beach Vervollständige den Satz
Таблиця множення на 5
Таблиця множення на 5 Beschriftetes Diagramm
toys super minds 1
toys super minds 1 Quiz
Fly High 2. Lessons  13- 14
Fly High 2. Lessons 13- 14 Quiz
Таблиця множення числа 2
Таблиця множення числа 2 Glücksrad
Soll die automatisch gespeicherte Aktivität wiederhergestellt werden?