5 клас Nus
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Скретч. Інформатика 5-Б клас
Jagd durchs Labyrinth
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 13. Is there / Are there ...?
Die richtige Reihenfolge
Prepare 5 Unit 13 Is there/Are there
Die richtige Gruppe
Prepare 5. Unit 16. Shopping.
Die richtige Reihenfolge
to be
Prepare 5. Unit 14. Because, and, but, or.
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 12. In a cafe
It's a Match
Prepare 5 U.16 need want
Die richtige Reihenfolge
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 14. Transport
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 15. Clothes
It's a Match
Які властивості має повітря
Die passende Antwort
Prepare 5. Unit 16. WB ex.1,p.68
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 14 because, and, but, or
Vervollständige den Satz
Добери синонім
Die passende Antwort
Prepare 5 NUS unit 8
It's a Match
Рефлексія "Незакінчене речення"
Prepare 5 NUS unit 6
Prepare NUS 5 unit 11
Vervollständige den Satz
Prepare NUS 5 unit 10
It's a Match
Full blast 5 NUS//Irregular verbs
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS unit 7 Present Simple
Vervollständige den Satz
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 3. My home
Die richtige Reihenfolge
Різновиди ПК
Die richtige Gruppe
Складові пристрої ПК
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 16. Shopping
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 12. Present Simple / Present Continuous.
Wahr oder falsch
Prepare 5. NUS. Unit 13. Places in the city.
It's a Match
prepare 5 NUS unit 9
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 5. Body parts
It's a Match
Prepare 5 Nus. Unit 2. Adjectives - Feelings
It's a Match
Prepare 5 nus Unit 4 My things
It's a Match
Full blast 5 NUS // Module 8 // 8C
Die passende Antwort
Що було б, якщо....
Öffnen Sie die Box
Prepare 5 NUS unit 7 Present Simple
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 12. Working life
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS. Entertainment
It's a Match
Prepare 5. Unit 16. Shopping. WB. Ex. 5, p. 70
Wahr oder falsch
Prepare 5 NUS unit 17
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 5. Activities and skills.
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS Unit 7
Zufällige Karten
Prepare 5 NUS my day
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 5.
Die richtige Reihenfolge
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 5.
It's a Match
Full blast 5 NUS // Module 8 // Round up
Vervollständige den Satz
Джерела світла. Освітленість. Люкс.
Die richtige Gruppe
Prepare 5 NUS unit 9
Die richtige Gruppe
Prepare 5 NUS. Culture. Ukraine
Vervollständige den Satz
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 14. Out and about. Transport
Die passende Antwort
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 10
It's a Match
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 17
Die richtige Reihenfolge
Prepare NUS 5. Unit 10. Present Continuous
Die richtige Reihenfolge
After-School Clubs