
Reading Cards

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Reading cards: Letter C - /k/
Reading cards: Letter C - /k/ Zufällige Karten
1st form Reading cards #2
1st form Reading cards #2 Zufällige Karten
Was Were Speaking cards
Was Were Speaking cards Zufällige Karten
Autumn Speaking Cards
Autumn Speaking Cards Zufällige Karten
Speaking Present simple, present continuous  та past simple
Speaking Present simple, present continuous та past simple Zufällige Karten
Speaking for kids
Speaking for kids Zufällige Karten
 reading wh
reading wh Zufällige Karten
th reading
th reading Zufällige Karten
cvc "o" words
cvc "o" words Zufällige Karten
ch reading
ch reading Zufällige Karten
short/long a
short/long a Zufällige Karten
"th" sounds "z"
"th" sounds "z" Zufällige Karten
Reading -sh-
Reading -sh- Zufällige Karten
Talking about last holiday
Talking about last holiday Zufällige Karten
Reading cards: i - /i/.
Reading cards: i - /i/. Zufällige Karten
Reading cards: a - closed syllable
Reading cards: a - closed syllable Zufällige Karten
Reading (cvc і)
Reading (cvc і) Zufällige Karten
Phonics A/Short A/ Long A/A+R
Phonics A/Short A/ Long A/A+R Die richtige Gruppe
This that these those
This that these those Quiz
Long and short a
Long and short a Die richtige Gruppe
Reading CVC
Reading CVC It's a Match
 Reading "ea/ee"
Reading "ea/ee" Die richtige Gruppe
Long Vowels (magic "e")
Long Vowels (magic "e") Die richtige Gruppe
Go Getter 2 unit 6
Go Getter 2 unit 6 Beschriftetes Diagramm
Beginning Sound CVC words (a,i,o,u)
Beginning Sound CVC words (a,i,o,u) Quiz
 Open syllable / Closed syllable Sort
Open syllable / Closed syllable Sort Die richtige Gruppe
Answer the questions using relative clauses.
Answer the questions using relative clauses. Öffnen Sie die Box
cvc "e" words
cvc "e" words Zufällige Karten
Smart Junior 4. Module 4. Food Blog
Smart Junior 4. Module 4. Food Blog Vervollständige den Satz
sh/th Die richtige Gruppe
cvc "u" words
cvc "u" words Öffnen Sie die Box
 reading -igh
reading -igh Glücksrad
OP 3 reading a and i
OP 3 reading a and i It's a Match
 Pnonics - Sh
Pnonics - Sh Öffnen Sie die Box
Speaking New school Year
Speaking New school Year Zufällige Karten
Reading CVC  (a)
Reading CVC (a) It's a Match
Diagraph -ee reading
Diagraph -ee reading It's a Match
Silent T
Silent T Zufällige Karten
Silent W (in WR)
Silent W (in WR) Zufällige Karten
Reading voiced TH
Reading voiced TH Zufällige Karten
Past Simple cards
Past Simple cards Zufällige Karten
places It's a Match
He / She is wearing .....
He / She is wearing ..... Die passende Antwort
School things. Labelled diagram
School things. Labelled diagram Beschriftetes Diagramm
He, She, It, They
He, She, It, They Quiz
Reading "ir", "ur", "er"
Reading "ir", "ur", "er" Zufällige Karten
Reading -ear, -air, -ere
Reading -ear, -air, -ere Zufällige Karten
reading Zufällige Karten
Reading Öffnen Sie die Box
Reading Öffnen Sie die Box
Reading. Quiz
reading Glücksrad
Reading Die richtige Gruppe
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading.
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading. Vervollständige den Satz
READING Glücksrad
Reading long vowels (a _e, i_e, o_e, u_e)
Reading long vowels (a _e, i_e, o_e, u_e) Die passende Antwort
words with short "u"
words with short "u" Anagramm
Ziggy and  the Fly
Ziggy and the Fly Die richtige Gruppe
cvc "i" words
cvc "i" words Öffnen Sie die Box
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