
2nd Grade Akhlaq kisakids

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Grade 2 - Akhlaq - Lesson 4.1
Grade 2 - Akhlaq - Lesson 4.1 Die richtige Gruppe
Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) (Unit 1)
Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) (Unit 1) Anagramm
Wonders Grade 2 Vocabulary U3W1/2
Wonders Grade 2 Vocabulary U3W1/2 It's a Match
First Grade Sight Words
First Grade Sight Words Zufällige Karten
Sight Word Practice: Grade 2
Sight Word Practice: Grade 2 Öffnen Sie die Box
Grade 1-Akhlaq-3.1
Grade 1-Akhlaq-3.1 Flugzeug
R Blends
R Blends Glücksrad
long e vowel teams
long e vowel teams Glücksrad
Riddles - Level 1 ou/ow
Riddles - Level 1 ou/ow It's a Match
oi and oy words
oi and oy words Anagramm
ves /f
ves /f Quiz
2nd grade sight words
2nd grade sight words Glücksrad
k, ck, or c
k, ck, or c Spielshow-Quiz
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Ocean Animals It's a Match
Word ending: ed
Word ending: ed Quiz
Consonant LE - LE
Consonant LE - LE Spielshow-Quiz
short and long a
short and long a Die richtige Gruppe
Hangman: Spell the Word L2 (Glued Sounds)
Hangman: Spell the Word L2 (Glued Sounds) Galgenmännchen
Unscramble sentences
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Sequence Events
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Digraph Game - th, ch, & sh
Digraph Game - th, ch, & sh Spielshow-Quiz
2nd Grade - tion
2nd Grade - tion Öffnen Sie die Box
 -oy  -oi
-oy -oi It's a Match
 Middle Sounds
Middle Sounds Quiz
Vowel and Consonant Suffixes
Vowel and Consonant Suffixes Die richtige Gruppe
Summer Missing Word
Summer Missing Word Vervollständige den Satz
Place Value
Place Value It's a Match
Spelling oi & oy words
Spelling oi & oy words Vervollständige den Satz
Long e (ee, ea, y, ey, ie)
Long e (ee, ea, y, ey, ie) Die richtige Gruppe
au/aw/al/augh Hau den Maulwurf
Homophones Quiz
Open and Closed Syllables
Open and Closed Syllables Die richtige Gruppe
Christmas Word Search
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R-controlled Vowels er,ir, & ur
R-controlled Vowels er,ir, & ur Galgenmännchen
r-controlled ar or
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Single Double Consonants
Single Double Consonants Die richtige Gruppe
Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast Glücksrad
Long E (EA) words
Long E (EA) words Passende Paare
What's Missing?
What's Missing? Spielshow-Quiz
Wilson 2.2 Sentences
Wilson 2.2 Sentences Öffnen Sie die Box
Summer Kreuzworträtsel
Whack-a-mole (ou)
Whack-a-mole (ou) Hau den Maulwurf
Narrative Writing Prompts
Narrative Writing Prompts Glücksrad
R blends list
R blends list Galgenmännchen
Contractions Anagramm
R- blends
R- blends Passende Paare
VCe Öffnen Sie die Box
Suffix -er and -est Words
Suffix -er and -est Words Hau den Maulwurf
Internal and External Character traits
Internal and External Character traits Die richtige Gruppe
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2nd Grade Dolch Words Glücksrad
Irregular Plural Nouns
Irregular Plural Nouns It's a Match
WRS 2.2 Sentences
WRS 2.2 Sentences It's a Match
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