
2nd Grade Tedesco

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Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) (Unit 1)
Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) (Unit 1) Anagramm
Wonders Grade 2 Vocabulary U3W1/2
Wonders Grade 2 Vocabulary U3W1/2 It's a Match
First Grade Sight Words
First Grade Sight Words Zufällige Karten
Sight Word Practice: Grade 2
Sight Word Practice: Grade 2 Öffnen Sie die Box
2nd Grade - tion
2nd Grade - tion Öffnen Sie die Box
Vowel and Consonant Suffixes
Vowel and Consonant Suffixes Die richtige Gruppe
 -oy  -oi
-oy -oi It's a Match
Summer Missing Word
Summer Missing Word Vervollständige den Satz
Place Value
Place Value It's a Match
Wilson Welded Sounds
Wilson Welded Sounds Die passende Antwort
Spelling oi & oy words
Spelling oi & oy words Vervollständige den Satz
Long e (ee, ea, y, ey, ie)
Long e (ee, ea, y, ey, ie) Die richtige Gruppe
 Middle Sounds
Middle Sounds Quiz
R-controlled Vowels er,ir, & ur
R-controlled Vowels er,ir, & ur Galgenmännchen
au/aw/al/augh Hau den Maulwurf
Open and Closed Syllables
Open and Closed Syllables Die richtige Gruppe
r-controlled ar or
r-controlled ar or Kreuzworträtsel
Christmas Word Search
Christmas Word Search Wörtersuche
Homophones Quiz
Digraph Game - th, ch, & sh
Digraph Game - th, ch, & sh Spielshow-Quiz
R Blends
R Blends Glücksrad
long e vowel teams
long e vowel teams Glücksrad
Riddles - Level 1 ou/ow
Riddles - Level 1 ou/ow It's a Match
ves /f
ves /f Quiz
k, ck, or c
k, ck, or c Spielshow-Quiz
Word ending: ed
Word ending: ed Quiz
Consonant LE - LE
Consonant LE - LE Spielshow-Quiz
Hangman: Spell the Word L2 (Glued Sounds)
Hangman: Spell the Word L2 (Glued Sounds) Galgenmännchen
short and long a
short and long a Die richtige Gruppe
Unscramble sentences
Unscramble sentences Die richtige Reihenfolge
Sequence Events
Sequence Events Quiz
Ocean Animals
Ocean Animals It's a Match
2nd grade sight words
2nd grade sight words Glücksrad
oi and oy words
oi and oy words Anagramm
 First Grade Sight Words
First Grade Sight Words Luftballons
predictions Quiz
G2 - Adjectives
G2 - Adjectives Die passende Antwort
暨南中文第二册第三课词组转盘 Glücksrad
Telling Time to the Hour
Telling Time to the Hour Die passende Antwort
Common and Proper Nouns
Common and Proper Nouns Die richtige Gruppe
Letterland Unit 22 - aw/au
Letterland Unit 22 - aw/au Wörtersuche
Fundations Unit 14 (ou, ow, ow)
Fundations Unit 14 (ou, ow, ow) Die richtige Gruppe
Even v. Odd Numbers
Even v. Odd Numbers Die richtige Gruppe
Goods and Services Sort
Goods and Services Sort Die richtige Gruppe
-tch -dge
-tch -dge Die richtige Gruppe
Complete Sentences
Complete Sentences Die richtige Reihenfolge
Making Inferences
Making Inferences Die passende Antwort
Comprehension 3
Comprehension 3 Quiz
Homophones Vervollständige den Satz
Wilson 2.3 Closed Syllable Exception
Wilson 2.3 Closed Syllable Exception Glücksrad
Short vowels
Short vowels Die richtige Gruppe
Vowel Teams
Vowel Teams Quiz
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