
7th Grade French

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Numbers 0-20 Balloon Pop
Numbers 0-20 Balloon Pop Luftballons
French Colors
French Colors It's a Match
French Subject Pronouns - Match up
French Subject Pronouns - Match up It's a Match
 Time - Match up
Time - Match up It's a Match
Les adjectifs possessifs
Les adjectifs possessifs Quiz
 French Verb Endings- regular -er, -ir, -re verbs
French Verb Endings- regular -er, -ir, -re verbs Hau den Maulwurf
Thanksgiving Bild-Quiz
Bien dit! 1 - Vocabulaire 2.1
Bien dit! 1 - Vocabulaire 2.1 Luftballons
La routine
La routine It's a Match
Le quiz de l'imparfait
Le quiz de l'imparfait Quiz
Verbe Etre (Indicatif present)
Verbe Etre (Indicatif present) Luftballons
Les prépositions de lieu
Les prépositions de lieu Beschriftetes Diagramm
Les Vêtements
Les Vêtements Quiz
Numbers 20-60 - Matching Pairs
Numbers 20-60 - Matching Pairs Passende Paare
les adjectifs
les adjectifs Die richtige Reihenfolge
Numbers 0-20
Numbers 0-20 It's a Match
School Subjects - Gameshow Quiz
School Subjects - Gameshow Quiz Spielshow-Quiz
French cognates
French cognates It's a Match
Negation in French
Negation in French Die richtige Reihenfolge
Fr2A métiers et professions
Fr2A métiers et professions Passende Paare
Numbers 0-20 Airplane
Numbers 0-20 Airplane Flugzeug
Numbers 0-20 - Word search
Numbers 0-20 - Word search Wörtersuche
Time - Matching Pairs
Time - Matching Pairs Passende Paare
MOVE:Savings vs. Checking
MOVE:Savings vs. Checking Die richtige Gruppe
Les vêtements
Les vêtements Galgenmännchen
7th Grade Informational Text
7th Grade Informational Text It's a Match
More Ecology Review
More Ecology Review Quiz
Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution
Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution Die richtige Gruppe
guess the hero by picture
guess the hero by picture Luftballons
prefix match up
prefix match up It's a Match
Inferencing Öffnen Sie die Box
Schulsachen It's a Match
Text Structures
Text Structures Öffnen Sie die Box
Adding Rational Numbers
Adding Rational Numbers Spielshow-Quiz
Body Systems
Body Systems Beschriftetes Diagramm
Federalists v. Anti-Federalists
Federalists v. Anti-Federalists Die richtige Gruppe
Faire It's a Match
Sort Point of View
Sort Point of View Die richtige Gruppe
La Geographie de la France
La Geographie de la France Spielshow-Quiz
Ma famille
Ma famille Zufällige Karten
Le Noël en France
Le Noël en France Quiz
The verb JOUER - to play
The verb JOUER - to play Die richtige Reihenfolge
French Weather + Seasons
French Weather + Seasons It's a Match
French Body Parts
French Body Parts Beschriftetes Diagramm
Clothing - Image Quiz
Clothing - Image Quiz Bild-Quiz
Which suffix?
Which suffix? Quiz
les dates francaises
les dates francaises It's a Match
Kitchen Safety Tips
Kitchen Safety Tips Die richtige Gruppe
New Year
New Year Glücksrad
Halloween Bild-Quiz
Open or Closed ? and consonant-le
Open or Closed ? and consonant-le Die richtige Gruppe
0-20 en Francais
0-20 en Francais Öffnen Sie die Box
Comment est ta famille?
Comment est ta famille? Glücksrad
Les parties du corps
Les parties du corps Spielshow-Quiz
Soll die automatisch gespeicherte Aktivität wiederhergestellt werden?