
7th Grade Speech

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Synonyms It's a Match
Categories - Animals, Food, Clothes
Categories - Animals, Food, Clothes Öffnen Sie die Box
Categories - Name 4
Categories - Name 4 Zufällige Karten
Speech Mechanism Match-Up
Speech Mechanism Match-Up It's a Match
Name the Category
Name the Category Quiz
/SH/ Activity
/SH/ Activity Passende Paare
Vocalic R - /AR/
Vocalic R - /AR/ Bild-Quiz
/R/ Articulation Valentine's Day Quiz
/R/ Articulation Valentine's Day Quiz Spielshow-Quiz
Category Wheel (Learning AAC)
Category Wheel (Learning AAC) Glücksrad
Initial S Practice Phrases Matching
Initial S Practice Phrases Matching Passende Paare
Synonyms Glücksrad
Easy Onset Phrases
Easy Onset Phrases Glücksrad
WH-Questions and Answers Sort
WH-Questions and Answers Sort Die richtige Gruppe
Initial L
Initial L Glücksrad
Vocalic OR
Vocalic OR Glücksrad
S Medial Words
S Medial Words Glücksrad
S blends match game
S blends match game Passende Paare
Vocalic R Minimal Pairs
Vocalic R Minimal Pairs Spielshow-Quiz
Context Clues Middle School (Baamboozle)
Context Clues Middle School (Baamboozle) Die passende Antwort
Getting to know you Middle School Speech!
Getting to know you Middle School Speech! Glücksrad
SPL Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation
SPL Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation Passende Paare
SPR Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation
SPR Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation Passende Paare
EET Wheel-Describing WHERE
EET Wheel-Describing WHERE Glücksrad
High frequency /th/ words
High frequency /th/ words Glücksrad
Final /g/
Final /g/ Öffnen Sie die Box
/l/ Words - Probe (Init, Med, Final)
/l/ Words - Probe (Init, Med, Final) Glücksrad
EMPATHY gameshow
EMPATHY gameshow Spielshow-Quiz
Initial Bilabials
Initial Bilabials Glücksrad
Prevocalic R
Prevocalic R Glücksrad
Medial /l/
Medial /l/ Glücksrad
/f/ minimal pairs (stopping)
/f/ minimal pairs (stopping) Bild-Quiz
Voiceless /th/
Voiceless /th/ Glücksrad
/k/ All Positions
/k/ All Positions Glücksrad
Mixed /l/ blends
Mixed /l/ blends Glücksrad
Emotions Öffnen Sie die Box
Function of Object (field of 3/4)
Function of Object (field of 3/4) Quiz
High Frequency SH Words
High Frequency SH Words Glücksrad
Easy Onset Holiday Matching
Easy Onset Holiday Matching Passende Paare
Vocalic /r/ (or + air) coarticulated w/ prevocalic /r/
Vocalic /r/ (or + air) coarticulated w/ prevocalic /r/ Passende Paare
R Initial Wheel of Fortune
R Initial Wheel of Fortune Glücksrad
Vocalic-r sentences coarticulated with consonant-r
Vocalic-r sentences coarticulated with consonant-r Vervollständige den Satz
Articulation:   S/Z Final Words
Articulation: S/Z Final Words Glücksrad
Would you rather
Would you rather Glücksrad
Articulation Initial R and L
Articulation Initial R and L Passende Paare
Conversation Rules
Conversation Rules Glücksrad
I like....
I like.... Glücksrad
Articulation - th words
Articulation - th words Anschauen und Auswendiglernen
Wh Question Keywords
Wh Question Keywords Die richtige Gruppe
Vocalic 'r'
Vocalic 'r' Hau den Maulwurf
Fluency Strategies
Fluency Strategies It's a Match
Initial /f/ Words
Initial /f/ Words Passende Paare
Summer Actions
Summer Actions Die passende Antwort
MOVE:Savings vs. Checking
MOVE:Savings vs. Checking Die richtige Gruppe
Mixed R Words
Mixed R Words Glücksrad
short e and short i
short e and short i Glücksrad
Peppa Pig Sentences
Peppa Pig Sentences Öffnen Sie die Box
prefix match up
prefix match up It's a Match
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