
Adult Education English language arts English / ESL

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10.000+ Ergebnisse für 'adults ela esl'

English Vocabulary: Verb phrases 3
English Vocabulary: Verb phrases 3 It's a Match
English vocabulary: Verb phrases 2
English vocabulary: Verb phrases 2 It's a Match
Life Beginner, Lesson 3c, Grammar: Plural nouns
Life Beginner, Lesson 3c, Grammar: Plural nouns Quiz
How do you feel when...
How do you feel when... Öffnen Sie die Box
Telephoning - Key expressions and functions
Telephoning - Key expressions and functions Die passende Antwort
Used to & Would
Used to & Would Zufällige Karten
Present Tenses
Present Tenses Die richtige Gruppe
Future Time
Future Time Vervollständige den Satz
Telephoning - Key expressions with phrasal verbs
Telephoning - Key expressions with phrasal verbs Die richtige Reihenfolge
Zero Conditional Questions
Zero Conditional Questions Zufällige Karten
Tag Questions
Tag Questions Passende Paare
ESL present perfect
ESL present perfect Die richtige Reihenfolge
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences Zufällige Karten
Should, Would, Could
Should, Would, Could Quiz
tools It's a Match
Prepositions of Time activity
Prepositions of Time activity Quiz
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple Hau den Maulwurf
Past Simple + Past Continuous
Past Simple + Past Continuous Vervollständige den Satz
Past simple x Present Perfect
Past simple x Present Perfect Quiz
Possessive Adjectives & Subject Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives & Subject Pronouns Vervollständige den Satz
At the Grocery Store, Part 2/4
At the Grocery Store, Part 2/4 Beschriftetes Diagramm
Word Sort 2: Count and Noncount Nouns
Word Sort 2: Count and Noncount Nouns Die richtige Gruppe
Negative Prefixes + Adjectives
Negative Prefixes + Adjectives Die richtige Gruppe
Simple Past Tense Review
Simple Past Tense Review Spielshow-Quiz
Life Elementary - U7 Comparative and Superlative
Life Elementary - U7 Comparative and Superlative Vervollständige den Satz
Daily Routines
Daily Routines Beschriftetes Diagramm
Lowercase Cursive Matching Game
Lowercase Cursive Matching Game It's a Match
In a Hotel Room - English File Beginner
In a Hotel Room - English File Beginner Beschriftetes Diagramm
In a Hotel
In a Hotel Beschriftetes Diagramm
Wh - questions
Wh - questions Die passende Antwort
Grammar - Final review 3A
Grammar - Final review 3A Öffnen Sie die Box
Present Perfect review 2B
Present Perfect review 2B Quiz
Wh questions - Simple present
Wh questions - Simple present Die richtige Reihenfolge
Present Simple Negative
Present Simple Negative Die richtige Gruppe
Health Problems
Health Problems Beschriftetes Diagramm
2A - Wh questions with be (present)
2A - Wh questions with be (present) Öffnen Sie die Box
Days of the week
Days of the week Anagramm
ESL B1 - Articles
ESL B1 - Articles Hau den Maulwurf
I wish.. - ESL Conversation
I wish.. - ESL Conversation Zufällige Karten
ESL SIMPLE PRESENT Die richtige Reihenfolge
Hello Goodbye
Hello Goodbye Die richtige Gruppe
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds Glücksrad
Before/After with present tense
Before/After with present tense Vervollständige den Satz
/thr/ pronunciation of words in sentences
/thr/ pronunciation of words in sentences Zufällige Karten
/th/ voiced and voiceless
/th/ voiced and voiceless Zufällige Karten
advanced body parts
advanced body parts It's a Match
American idioms
American idioms It's a Match
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