
English / ESL Adult esl

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ESL present perfect
ESL present perfect Die richtige Reihenfolge
Halloween Quiz
Numbers 11-20
Numbers 11-20 It's a Match
Saturday morning Warm-up
Saturday morning Warm-up Öffnen Sie die Box
Should, Would, Could
Should, Would, Could Quiz
Vegetables Quiz
Simple Present Affirmative
Simple Present Affirmative Die richtige Gruppe
Numbers 30 to 100
Numbers 30 to 100 Flash-Karten
Conversation Cards
Conversation Cards Zufällige Karten
WH Question
WH Question Quiz
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds Glücksrad
ESL B1 - Articles
ESL B1 - Articles Hau den Maulwurf
I wish.. - ESL Conversation
I wish.. - ESL Conversation Zufällige Karten
tools It's a Match
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences Zufällige Karten
Do and Does Practice
Do and Does Practice Quiz
advanced body parts
advanced body parts It's a Match
Thanksgiving Wörtersuche
Present Simple -  Do you?
Present Simple - Do you? Zufällige Karten
Hello Goodbye
Hello Goodbye Die richtige Gruppe
Menu Flash-Karten
Never-Ever Quiz
"Because" or  "Because of "
"Because" or "Because of " Quiz
/th/ voiced and voiceless
/th/ voiced and voiceless Zufällige Karten
/thr/ pronunciation of words in sentences
/thr/ pronunciation of words in sentences Zufällige Karten
Before/After with present tense
Before/After with present tense Vervollständige den Satz
Numbers--Tens It's a Match
Present Continuous - WH questions
Present Continuous - WH questions Die richtige Reihenfolge
Numbers 21-30
Numbers 21-30 It's a Match
ESL SIMPLE PRESENT Die richtige Reihenfolge
Constitution Die passende Antwort
3 Branches of Government
3 Branches of Government Die richtige Gruppe
Declaration of Independence/Constitution
Declaration of Independence/Constitution Die richtige Gruppe
ESL ADULT -Copy of Daily Activities
ESL ADULT -Copy of Daily Activities It's a Match
ESL-Illness & Injuries Voc.
ESL-Illness & Injuries Voc. It's a Match
ESL 1.2.a Numbers 1-20 Flying Fruit
ESL 1.2.a Numbers 1-20 Flying Fruit Fliegende Früchte
1.Pronunciation l-r sentences
1.Pronunciation l-r sentences Zufällige Karten
Historical People
Historical People It's a Match
Put the questions in order
Put the questions in order Die richtige Reihenfolge
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives Quiz
Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns Quiz
ESL 1.9 Animals
ESL 1.9 Animals It's a Match
/f/, /v/, /b/ pronunciation in single words
/f/, /v/, /b/ pronunciation in single words Zufällige Karten
Health questions
Health questions Öffnen Sie die Box
US Government
US Government Quiz
Colors Die passende Antwort
Dairy Quiz
Summer things
Summer things Die passende Antwort
Questions Glücksrad
Soll die automatisch gespeicherte Aktivität wiederhergestellt werden?