
English / ESL Prepositions

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Prepositions of Place: the dog is ___ the box
Prepositions of Place: the dog is ___ the box It's a Match
in, on, under, next to
in, on, under, next to Quiz
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind -
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind - Quiz
Prepositions of Place - in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to
Prepositions of Place - in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to Quiz
Prepositions of place. Bedroom.
Prepositions of place. Bedroom. Beschriftetes Diagramm
Prepositions of Place: Toys
Prepositions of Place: Toys Quiz
Time Prepositions
Time Prepositions Die richtige Gruppe
FOR or TO?
FOR or TO? Vervollständige den Satz
IN, ON, or AT? - PLACE
IN, ON, or AT? - PLACE Quiz
Prepositions of place review
Prepositions of place review Glücksrad
IN, ON, or AT?
IN, ON, or AT? Quiz
Prepositions of Direction (
Prepositions of Direction ( Spielshow-Quiz
Pusheen: In, On, Under, Next to
Pusheen: In, On, Under, Next to Öffnen Sie die Box
Exercising Wahr oder falsch
Questions with was/were
Questions with was/were Glücksrad
Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables Die richtige Gruppe
Wh questions - past of be
Wh questions - past of be Hau den Maulwurf
Daily Activities
Daily Activities It's a Match
countable and uncountable - dialogues
countable and uncountable - dialogues Vervollständige den Satz
Going to questions
Going to questions Die richtige Reihenfolge
CCLC First Conditional Quiz
CCLC First Conditional Quiz Quiz
Present Perfect + for/since
Present Perfect + for/since Spielshow-Quiz
The future with will
The future with will Öffnen Sie die Box
community helpers 2
community helpers 2 It's a Match
Times of day / time
Times of day / time Die richtige Gruppe
Simple present
Simple present Galgenmännchen
Gerunds and Infinitives - 2
Gerunds and Infinitives - 2 Die richtige Gruppe
Time Luftballons
Telling Time
Telling Time Beschriftetes Diagramm
Going to
Going to Galgenmännchen
Play Go Do
Play Go Do Die richtige Gruppe
Abilities - Can or Can't
Abilities - Can or Can't Öffnen Sie die Box
Directions Quiz
Question words, easy ESL
Question words, easy ESL Die richtige Reihenfolge
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives Quiz
Present Continuous (T/F) (new)
Present Continuous (T/F) (new) Wahr oder falsch
Going to - Questions
Going to - Questions Glücksrad
Simple present wh questions
Simple present wh questions Die richtige Reihenfolge
LEISURE ACTIVITIES Beschriftetes Diagramm
Grammar Review Midterm - 2A
Grammar Review Midterm - 2A Öffnen Sie die Box
Thanksgiving Unjumble
Thanksgiving Unjumble Die richtige Reihenfolge
favorite things
favorite things Zufällige Karten
Simple Presente 'like' (- and +)
Simple Presente 'like' (- and +) Wahr oder falsch
Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns Quiz
Verb to be - right or wrong
Verb to be - right or wrong Glücksrad
Asking for Permission
Asking for Permission Die passende Antwort
Places in town
Places in town Die passende Antwort
WHAT'S THE PAST OF...? Kreuzworträtsel
My 5 Senses
My 5 Senses Quiz
Uncramble the sentences.
Uncramble the sentences. Die richtige Reihenfolge
Simple present questions with I/we/you
Simple present questions with I/we/you Glücksrad
Indirect questions
Indirect questions Glücksrad
HAVE YOU EVER...? WHEN DID YOU LAST...? Öffnen Sie die Box
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