
Vocabulary Quran

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سورة قريش
سورة قريش It's a Match
Missing Word Surah Al-Asr
Missing Word Surah Al-Asr Vervollständige den Satz
Vocabulary Surah Ash-Shams Find the Match
Vocabulary Surah Ash-Shams Find the Match Die passende Antwort
about Islaam
about Islaam Die passende Antwort
Surah Al-Asr
Surah Al-Asr Luftballons
Surah As-Shams Fill in the Blank
Surah As-Shams Fill in the Blank Vervollständige den Satz
Surat Alt-Tariq 6-10
Surat Alt-Tariq 6-10 It's a Match
 Tajweed Group: Idgam
Tajweed Group: Idgam Die richtige Gruppe
Nooraniyyah Lesson 4 Test!
Nooraniyyah Lesson 4 Test! Öffnen Sie die Box
Noon Rules
Noon Rules It's a Match
سورة الدُّخان
سورة الدُّخان Beschriftetes Diagramm
Tajweed Quiz
Tajweed Quiz Quiz
(سورة الرحمن (تدريب مد + نون ساكنة
(سورة الرحمن (تدريب مد + نون ساكنة Beschriftetes Diagramm
Surah Al Fatiha 1
Surah Al Fatiha 1 Öffnen Sie die Box
RA Sometimes Soft Sometimes Strong
RA Sometimes Soft Sometimes Strong Die richtige Gruppe
Surat An-Najm vocab 19-30 practice
Surat An-Najm vocab 19-30 practice It's a Match
AlFajr Word Tafseer 1-14
AlFajr Word Tafseer 1-14 Luftballons
 همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع
همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع Hau den Maulwurf
  همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع
همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع Die richtige Gruppe
Tafseer Suratul-Inshiqaaq #1
Tafseer Suratul-Inshiqaaq #1 Quiz
Surah Al-Layl Word Search
Surah Al-Layl Word Search Wörtersuche
Surat Al-Najm 1-18 Vocab Practice
Surat Al-Najm 1-18 Vocab Practice It's a Match
Surat Ar-Rahman ayat 14-28
Surat Ar-Rahman ayat 14-28 It's a Match
 من العصر - الناس - Review -
من العصر - الناس - Review - Quiz
Tajweed Quiz
Surat AlFajr: Fill in the Blank Ayat 1-14
Surat AlFajr: Fill in the Blank Ayat 1-14 Vervollständige den Satz
Alfalaq Die richtige Reihenfolge
 Keywords in Islam
Keywords in Islam It's a Match
سورة التين
سورة التين It's a Match
ANIMALS in ENGLISH Spielshow-Quiz
Telling the time
Telling the time It's a Match
Complete Advanced - Unit 5 - Extra body Idioms
Complete Advanced - Unit 5 - Extra body Idioms It's a Match
Surah Poster Quiz: Al-Fatihah
Surah Poster Quiz: Al-Fatihah Quiz
 Surah Al Fatiha 1
Surah Al Fatiha 1 Öffnen Sie die Box
Opposites Attract #2
Opposites Attract #2 Passende Paare
Summer vs. Winter Clothing Sort
Summer vs. Winter Clothing Sort Die richtige Gruppe
Synonyms and  Antonyms B52
Synonyms and Antonyms B52 Quiz
Weather idioms
Weather idioms It's a Match
Grade 4 Wonders U1 W3 Vocabulary
Grade 4 Wonders U1 W3 Vocabulary Die passende Antwort
Skills Glücksrad
Context Clues Game
Context Clues Game Spielshow-Quiz
Idioms and Phrasal verbs
Idioms and Phrasal verbs Quiz
Naming food
Naming food Beschriftetes Diagramm
Places in the School
Places in the School It's a Match
Idioms Quiz
Synonyms Glücksrad
Vocabulary Review March 21
Vocabulary Review March 21 Quiz
Hobbies Beschriftetes Diagramm
6 ELA Unit 2 Vocabulary 11-20 Match Up
6 ELA Unit 2 Vocabulary 11-20 Match Up It's a Match
Vocab with not prefixes
Vocab with not prefixes It's a Match
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