1) Where did soldiers go if it was cold in the trenches? a) they stayed there b) they flew back home c) they went back to their main camp 2) What were conditions like in the trenches? a) Wet, Cold and horrible b) Bright, warm and dry c) Spacious, open and happy 3) What did waterlogged conditions cause? a) Rats b) Muddy shoes c) The trenches to collapse 4) What are lice? a) A special food they had at the trenches b) A small animal that lived on soldiers and spread diseases c) A weapon used in WW1 5) What did lice cause? a) Overcrowding b) Waterlogged conditions c) Itching and disease 6) What is Shell shock? a) Injuries caused by shrapnel b) A condition caused by the trauma of war c) a Condition where your foot gets swollen and sore


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